Sidney Kimmel (Jefferson) vs. Einstein

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New Member
Nov 16, 2022
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Middle Eastern from Los Angeles, went to undergrad in LA, COA would be about the same, interested in competitive specialties (plastics, ortho, Neuro, ENT)


- I like the location a lot (urban, dense, walkable, interesting things to do outside of school)
- loved the interview day, seems like the admin rly cares about its students
- highly regarded ortho residency
- family is dr at upenn
- could do research/away rotation at upenn?
- liked the buildings and facilities
- bigger class size (idk if this is a pro or con... I get that it doesn't allow for as much close relationships between faculty/student and student/student but it also seems like it could allow for more social interaction, etc)
- I love that the curriculum/research incorporates humanities
- 21 month preclinical curriculum (idk if this is a pro or a con)

- less prestigious than Einstein (?)
- I think the research is stronger at Einstein (?)
- I feel like most of the students are from the area, and being from Los Angeles maybe I'll feel out of place (idk if that's a thing)
- no plastics residency (would this be a problem for finding a mentor etc?)
- H/P/F


- Stronger research (?)
- more prestigious than Jeff I think
- more diversity in the student body it seemed like (they have a MENA, etc.)
- smaller class size (idk if this is a pro or con/how much it actually matters)
- true P/F
- 18 month preclinical curriculum (idk if this is a pro or con)

- I didnt like The Bronx, kinda too suburban and residential, and pretty far from Manhattan for doing non-school things and not much to do around the school it seems like
- Didn't like the facilities as much
- Although I see the value of everyone living in one building, I do want to be in an apartment in an urban city as opposed to a college dorm-esque building.

Summary: I'm really struggling to make this decision because I like the immediate area of Jefferson much more than the immediate area of Einstein but im wondering if I should choose if it's the better institution and will set me up for success better than Jeff will in terms of mentorship/residency/research, etc.

Thanks 🙂

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Prestige is about the same in terms of reputation and match lists so wouldn’t worry about that too much!
The Bronx is not far from the rest of NYC lol. The bus right outside the gates of campus will give you a very short commute into Manhattan if that’s what you want.

You’ll probably be busy at both schools, and the match list at Einstein has tons of its students matching into NY/NYC programs. If your goal is to stay in Ny then I’d pick Einstein. I’m also a bigger fan of the shorter preclinical time.
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Also, if u all could give me your thought process behind your recommendation, I’d really appreciate it : )
I used to live right down the road from Einstein. That area of the Bronx itself really is pretty chill, and believe me when I tell you it is a super quick trip into the city either by train or car. Fun stuff will be super accessible whenever you want it. There’s also plenty of cool little lounges in the Bronx if you ever decide to explore.
Also, if u all could give me your thought process behind your recommendation, I’d really appreciate it : )
Access to NYC, the campus + subsidized housing (staying in Manhattan is cool up until you have to pay 3k per month vs the 800 for student housing) is a great way to have your piece of the neighborhood cut out just for your four years. Global education opportunities, and strong match list in the Northeast.