Sin City surgeons

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Oct 19, 2008
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Hey guys have any of you gotten the chance to see the trailor for the upcoming plastic surgery show called Sin City Surgeons? It kind of has that Nip/Tuck feel except its a reality show.:thumbup: The show appears to be interesting, entertaining at least. Also has anyone worked with or is familar with the two plastic surgeons featured on the show?

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So you were hired to pump up the show? Are you an actual producer or just some highschool kid they hired to generate internet buzz? I see the video had a massive 200 views on youtube. The problem is that this exact show has been done before and has been up for several years. Did they have to find a Dr. Ray clone with the boxing and all? Here is an idea - why not find a plastic surgeon for you reality show who doesn't fit the stereotype? Or even better yet, have a surgeon like Smith and contrast him with a plastic surgeon who isn't trying to be Dr. Ray. You can PM me if you need suggestions for surgeons to follow. I know the Smith guy peripherally from somewhere but I can't remember where.
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Wow. I was'nt expecting that response.:laugh: I guess I should expect some of that since I don't have many posts and Im a new user. So No I have don't have any affiliation with that show. I'm just a first year trying to get where you are one day. I just think the flamboyance of one of the guys is hilarious. I understand why a real PRS guy may take offense to the show, since it will probably be heavily influenced on cosmetics. But what do you expect there trying to get ratings. If you look at the Dr 90210 model clearly you will see that people or more likely to watch models getting implants opposed to cleft palates. Is it right? No But thats how our society is so don't kill the messenger! As I stated earlier I was curious if anyone was familiar with the reputation of the surgeons on the show. Im asking since I know Dr Rey received alot of criticism amongst the PRS community and on here since he is not Board certified and he throws that "Harvard trained Doctor term around like candy." So I understand that just because they are on T.V does'nt mean they are the best in the field. Which may well be a common sentiment of viewers, since it is very intuitive for the viewer to think that. And in response to what you said about contrasting Smith with a guy not like Dr Rey, maybe someone like you? im not sure how interesting it would be to have someone on a T.V show that does'nt have that hollywood personality. Or some mundane person with no personality boring people to sleep. If that was the case there would be shows with Professors giving lecture.
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Dr. Rey actually trained at UT-Memphis. I think he did a weekend warrior breast course at Harvard, so I guess that entitles him to say he is "Harvard Trained."

I don't think anyone knows who Smith is or whether he is reputable or not. I don't think anyone will care either, because why would anyone watch a show that has already been done? Who knows maybe the people who watch that stuff are looking for other personalities.

It isn't that I don't like cosmetic surgery, in fact I advertise to get the business. I just finished a tummy tuck an hour ago and I've got another scheduled for later in the week and a bleph to follow. I like cosmetic cases, I just don't like douchebags. You're a little too early in the training yet to understand what it is to have pride in your profession. When one of us behaves in an undignified manner it grates on our nerves. You have not even begun to make sacrifices or to be invested in the career yet so I don't blame you for not understanding.

There are plenty of people out there who operate on models that don't act like idiots.

maybe someone like you? im not sure how interesting it would be to have someone on a T.V show that does'nt have that hollywood personality. Or some mundane person with no personality boring people to sleep. If that was the case there would be shows with Professors giving lecture.

I assume that was directed at me. I'm glad you know so much about me. You know enough to erroneously assume that I would want to be on a reality show. Reality show = screwed up family and divorce. Whether the chicken came first or the egg in those families I have no idea. Maybe one has to be a sick person to want the whole celebrity thing in his life in the first place. Maybe those who seek out celebrity are doomed to have screwed up marriages and kids. That being said, apparently I have likable enough personality to actually land and complete training in plastic surgery. I think you will find that most people who make it in the field are interesting people. You will have to be one yourself if you want to join us.
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He has an MBA from Harvard as well. So technically,he is Harvard trained, just not in medicine.

He went to ASU for undergrad though, and I can't respect a Scum Devil, even one who wears those bangin' cut-off scrubs. :rolleyes:

His former residency director told me that he ordered those scrubs in his second week in residency! The program is not proud of him.
GSresident I was'nt directing that at you and I apologize if it came across that way. I know i'm early in the game, and im not claiming to be an expert on any of this. But at the same time, I do know entertainment when i see it. And I think the shows trailor looks entertaining. Most people who watch these shows are more like me than you (i.e not board certified or double certified in surgery) So maybe for that reason is why the show is so entertaining. And nothing is new on T.V. alot of shows are just clones of each other with a slight spin. And these factors have no bearing on whether people will watch it or not. You said in contrast to the Dr Smith without being a Dr Ray clone. So I gave an example of that. And Im definately not trying to bash any of the celebrity Doctors out there. Whether you like them or not and whether there good or not. The T.V docs are marketing machines have very successful practices,command multi million dollar salaries, and have rock star status in the respective cities. So you have to respect at least there success. And I hope we can get back to why the thread was started without alot of negativety. On paper both of those guys look like studs so I was just seeing if any of you guys in the plastics community were familiar with them thats all.
Couldn't agree with you more GSResident. The show has 0 percent originality and literally seems like they just ripped off Dr 90210 and Nip/Tuck all into one stereotypical, boring 8 minute trailer. By the way ... it seems to me that these guys, or some PR firm representing these guys made this trailer to pitch to networks and such. Doesn't seem like a clip from a pilot or anything of that matter ... just two guys who want to be reality TV stars. Also, why the hell would that one Doc care to be certified by the AACS when he completed a PRS fellowship and was certified by the plastics board??? Makes no sense. It also seems like he did a head and neck residency followed by a PRS fellowship, interesting.

The Dr Rey knockoff guy was also just an absolute tool. Like the way his office looked, driving a Bently, drumming up business at a stip club, ughh god. Sad.

Completely uninteresting, been done, and I honestly think it's just these guys fishing for a TV show. Next please ...
I don't watch the cosmetic shows, but I do agree that "there is nothing new under the sun."

Dr. Rey did not do any formal academic medical training at Harvard (he did some sort of unaccredited 'aesthetic surgery' fellowship), nor did he go to Harvard Business School. Instead he earned an MPP, a Master's in Public Policy. Which is obviously nothing to sneeze at, but the frank reality is that it's an easy 2-yr social science degree that will accept any remotely qualified MD, and it certainly doesn't allow him to talk about Harvard the way he does on his show.

He gave an interview to the New York Times a couple of years ago where he said there were three things he knew he would accomplish in life: "become a world-famous Hollywood plastic surgeon, go to Harvard, and become a Member of Congress and then Surgeon General of the United States of America." Despite the fact that the Constitution is fuzzy on that last one (as he was born in Brazil), he has remained completely unwavering in his belief that someday all three will be ticked off, and he bends reality to conform to his self-image.

I find him a curious mix of childish self-confidence and magical thinking, and of narcissism. As a result he's not *completely* off-putting. The guy on this Sin City trailer is another matter.

Here's the interview in case anyone wants to stave off Election Night nerves:
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Yeah I don't know why the guy is so concerned that he is certified in so many fields. He makes the claim of it only being a dozen other guys certified in the world with his credentials. But I think thats a matter of nobody else wanted to that as opposed to it being a legitimate accomplishment. Its almost as bad as the Dr who says what his undergrad degree is in as if that has any importance on his ability as a Doctor. Anyway I looked up the smith guy and he has "Quadruple board certified" plastered all over the website.:laugh: Now thats about as funny as the other guy coming out of the helicopter with his model girlfriend, draped in Gucci everything. Now that I think of it, if you are a patient and you see that someone is quadruple certified in surgery you will probably think he is the best of the best tho. So I guess its great advertising on his part, and maybe the extra money he makes offsets all of the unnecessary certifications he has. Anyway i sense some kind of beef between the smith guy and Dr Ray because he had some harsh words for him on this website

Anyway i did'nt know it was so much drama in the PRS community. But its fun to watch lol
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He gave an interview to the New York Times a couple of years ago where he said there were three things he knew he would accomplish in life: "become a world-famous Hollywood plastic surgeon, go to Harvard, and become a Member of Congress and then Surgeon General of the United States of America." Despite the fact that the Constitution is fuzzy on that last one (as he was born in Brazil), he has remained completely unwavering in his belief that someday all three will be ticked off, and he bends reality to conform to his self-image.

Umm . . . as Surgeon General is not a Constitutionally commissioned position in the government, his status as a naturalized citizen is not an issue. His status as a total tool who makes my professional look bad, however, is.

Just wrapping up the week at ASPS. Lots and lots of talk about how much people who do mostly aesthetic surgery are hurting. The guys who have a broad practice aren't feeling it too much. Once again, another reason to stay firmly entrenched in the reconstructive world, besides the issues of being able to go home and feel good about what you did at work.
I know a LOT of plastic surgeons. Even the guys here in Scottsdale who do mostly aesthetics don't approach the toolishness of these guys. Its really too bad that "normal" PRS don't get highlighted...then again normal guys probably don't have the kind of ego that lends to being on such a show.

Getting out of a helicopter with your surgically enhanced GF while the breeze from the blades whips your Versace coat around?:rolleyes:
Is there any surgeon on the Dr. 90210 show whose professionalism you do recognize?
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Is there any surgeon on the Dr. 90210 show whose professionalism you do recognize?

You know who I don't understand on that show ... Dr David Matlock. As far as I know, the guy is a board certified OB/GYN - which is how he got into the 'laser vaginal rejuvination' stuff, but he did one of those 1 year 'fellowships' with the American Academy of Cosmetic Surgery and now at least does lipo and I think might also do facial work??? I know the AACS is just kind of a way to look like you are legit to do cosmetic stuff, but I assumed there were only certain SURGICAL backgrounds you could come from to do a preceptorship with the organization. Is there much in OB/GYN that would prep one for these types of procedures??? Hopefully I'm wrong and he mainly sticks to the rejuv stuff, but I know he at least does lipo.
Is there any surgeon on the Dr. 90210 show whose professionalism you do recognize?

I think Motykie looks pretty legit. He has the closest balance between credentials and personality without coming off as being a total douche. Although he's one of the newer surgeons on the show. After taking note of the comment on Matlock I noticed that they have 4 people who have reacurring roles(5 if you count Atler who was a former uro guy) who are'nt PRS. Kirby-Derm Diamond-Oto HNS, Matlock Gyno and female Evans is Derm. And they're all dipping into the highly saturated cosmetic pot of Beverly Hills.
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Ok. I know this is just message board and it shouldn't bother me, but brush up on the finer points of "there" versus "their" versus "they're". It concerns me when highly educated people make the same recurring mistake.
Just wrapping up the week at ASPS. Lots and lots of talk about how much people who do mostly aesthetic surgery are hurting. The guys who have a broad practice aren't feeling it too much. Once again, another reason to stay firmly entrenched in the reconstructive world, besides the issues of being able to go home and feel good about what you did at work.

I don't know, I feel AWESOME when I do a good abdominoplasty and I feel even better when I do a breast aug. I'm doing a gastroc for a knee wound this AM and I'm taking the afternoon off. I've had a crazy busy week so far. I need to go for a run. I went through my billing stuff since July last night just double checking that everything was put in correctly by the biller. I'm glad I did because only about 20% of it was done right. Like I've said, my practice is about 95% reconstructive and I'm doing just fine. Broad practice = the key. People lost the idea that you trim your practice back to cosmetic when you are ready to quit any day. Make sure you have FU money if you are giving up recon.
Its really too bad that "normal" PRS don't get highlighted...then again normal guys probably don't have the kind of ego that lends to being on such a show.

Oh we all have the ego, believe me. Most of us have enough sense to hide it or at least blunt the sharper douchy edges.
I know the AACS is just kind of a way to look like you are legit to do cosmetic stuff, but I assumed there were only certain SURGICAL backgrounds you could come from to do a preceptorship with the organization.

You know the thing is, I don't really care if they are going out and doing cosmetic procedures. Buyer beware. The thing that bothers me is that they are trying to claim a legitimacy that I had to make enormous sacrifices to earn. I didn't go to Harvard but I would be mad as hell at Dr. Rey for claiming to be Harvard trained if I did. How do people not get it?

Maybe I can put it another way. Say you scraped by for years and years to buy a Ferrari for whatever reason people buy Ferraris for. Then after you finally drive your Ferrari home, the guy across the street gets his Pinto painted red and buys a Ferrari badge for the hood. You know the guy is a huge douche, but for some reason everyone else things the fake Ferrari is real. Would that bother you? Then say the guy acts like an idiot, wears a satin jumpsuit and a big gold medallion over a fake strap on hairy chest. Because he is acting like a *****, everyone comes up to you in public and assumes that since you drive a Ferrari, you must be a ***** too. Would that bother you?
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I don't know, I feel AWESOME when I do a good abdominoplasty and I feel even better when I do a breast aug.

Hey, I don't have a problem with aesthetic surgery. Tummy tucks and augs, in particular, are satisfying cases for both the surgeon and the patient. I just wouldn't feel like I'm making a contribution to society if all I do everyday is suck fat/inject fat/lift face/place implants. But I'm all for having a significant part of the patient base as aesthetic -- we just need to make sure that we don't abandon our roots in order to make more money and never take call.
...and never take call.
I don't mind being called for appropriate things. The problem is that if you put yourself in a call schedule anyone anywhere can dump a 90 year old man with a 1cm laceration on his cheek on you. EMTALA. What that stands for is I don't take laceration call thank you. The ER doc uses the same simple laceration repair code and gets the same amount of money that I do, so in the eyes of the gov. and insurance companies he is qualified to do what I do. I let them just go ahead and do their jobs.
After taking note of the comment on Matlock I noticed that they have 4 people who have reacurring roles(5 if you count Atler who was a former uro guy) who are'nt PRS. Kirby-Derm Diamond-Oto HNS, Matlock Gyno and female Evans is Derm. And they're all dipping into the highly saturated cosmetic pot of Beverly Hills.

Atler looks like he did uro then PRS, Diamond did ENT then facial PRS, and I think there is nothing wrong with derms doing some cosmetic stuff.
I think Motykie looks pretty legit. He has the closest balance between credentials and personality without coming off as being a total douche.

You must've missed the episode where he was posing with just a white coat on and his abs gleaming through. With his client. Wearing lipstick. For a photoshoot.

Let me punch this into my calculator. Oh yes. It reads out "Total Douche".

You must've missed the episode where he was posing with just a white coat on and his abs gleaming through. With his client. Wearing lipstick. For a photoshoot.

Let me punch this into my calculator. Oh yes. It reads out "Total Douche".


Hahah ... I know. I actually really liked this doc before I saw that.
Oh we all have the ego, believe me. Most of us have enough sense to hide it or at least blunt the sharper douchy edges.


Oh I know. As a matter of fact, just two weekends ago, I was talking with family at my cousin's wedding about the ego you need to be a physician, let alone a surgeon.

I should have emphasized, none have such an obviously overinflated ego as these guys do or have "blunted their sharper douchy edges" sufficiently.

Oh I know. As a matter of fact, just two weekends ago, I was talking with family at my cousin's wedding about the ego you need to be a physician, let alone a surgeon.

I should have emphasized, none have such an obviously overinflated ego as these guys do or have "blunted their sharper douchy edges" sufficiently.

Yeah I was wondering about this too. During my TY the surgeons had the biggiest egos in the hospital out of all the services I rotated threw. Is this innate or a learned thing from all the beat downs at M&M they compensate with a bigger ego? But for some reason the plastics guys were actually really nice, and the least condescending of the surgery services.
You must've missed the episode where he was posing with just a white coat on and his abs gleaming through. With his client. Wearing lipstick. For a photoshoot.

Let me punch this into my calculator. Oh yes. It reads out "Total Douche".


:laugh: Yeah I did miss that one, but i guess its not surprising since i did see the episode where he was working out with a personal trainer and speaking about his prior experience as a bodybuilder, so i should have known that the shirt was gonna come off sooner or later.
Oh we all have the ego, believe me. Most of us have enough sense to hide it or at least blunt the sharper douchy edges.

Yeah I guess all surgeons have some sort of ego, from what I've seen at my institution PRS do seem to attract a specific type of douche bag lol....

here's another example of failure to blunt his douchy edges before he left the house:

Sorry its in spanish but im sure you get the point
You must've missed the episode where he was posing with just a white coat on and his abs gleaming through. With his client. Wearing lipstick. For a photoshoot.

Let me punch this into my calculator. Oh yes. It reads out "Total Douche".


Yeah I was wondering about this too. During my TY the surgeons had the biggiest egos in the hospital out of all the services I rotated threw. Is this innate or a learned thing from all the beat downs at M&M they compensate with a bigger ego? But for some reason the plastics guys were actually really nice, and the least condescending of the surgery services.

I wonder if people with big egos are just naturally attracted to general surgery. I'm not sure if the process of going through the residency makes it worse or better. The academic world tends to draw an even more extreme specimen of Douchbagus Maximus so you will have a distorted view of general surgeons until you work with some private practice guys. From my experience the plastics guys, both in the academic and private world, are a little nicer. I suspect that plastic surgeons are nice because they are happy. We don't have ENT, ORTHO, Neurosurg and Plastics dumping their crappy patients on us at 3 in the morning. We also don't have to do things like admit every trauma patient that comes through the ER.