SLU waitlist

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Mar 24, 2003
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Just got the waitlist letter from SLU. Crap...that acceptance letter would have been nice. I interviewed on 3/4 and the letter states that I was chosen for the list over numerous applicants and that I have been ranked (I guess they try and make you feel better). Anyway whats the movement like off the waitlist and when does movement start. I know SLU's website says everyone should know by april 15th if accepted, rejected, or waitlisted.

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Hey phd,
I got the waitlist letter too. I'm happy that I was chosen for the alternate list "over numerous able competitors." Are the competitors people who didnt get an interview at SLU??? Just wondering..............Also, does anyone know if we get to find out where we are ranked on the waitlist???
Originally posted by Jet915
Are the competitors people who didnt get an interview at SLU???
I am proud to be your competitor, by this definition.
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i've been on the waitlist since january after a regional interview. i went and visited slu in mid-march and they said there would start being movement off the waitlist shortly. . . if that is of any help.
Just called the admissions office at SLU and they told me they were going to be interviewing until the first or 2nd wk in May. She said the waitlist movement wont begin until then. I went ahead and sent my letter of intent, now the wait begins.
Originally posted by phdmed07
Just called the admissions office at SLU and they told me they were going to be interviewing until the first or 2nd wk in May. She said the waitlist movement wont begin until then.

:eek: I had no idea anyone interviewed that late! They sure do like stringing us along, huh? :( Oh well, good luck to us all....
are any of you missouri residents? if so, would you choose slu over MU and why?
Moops Im a NC resident. Waitlisted stinks!
Another question.......SLU asked us was to update them with transcripts and other updates. If you are ranked on the waitlist, I was just wondering how this would help then.

Just got the waitlist letter from SLU. Crap...that acceptance letter would have been nice. I interviewed on 3/4 and the letter states that I was chosen for the list over numerous applicants and that I have been ranked (I guess they try and make you feel better). Anyway whats the movement like off the waitlist and when does movement start. I know SLU's website says everyone should know by april 15th if accepted, rejected, or waitlisted

Welcome to the alternate club...I got my letter from SLU on Friday. I emailed to find out where I was on the list, but they don't give that info out. Oh well.... :p
Originally posted by moops
are any of you missouri residents? if so, would you choose slu over MU and why?
Though I was accepted by neither of these, the only reason I would choose MU over SLU is if you have a strong personal reason to live in St. Louis.

The students at MU were nice, relaxed, and seemed quite happy. The tuition is so much cheaper, that I can really see no justification in going to SLU over MU. The reputations are about the same, as far as I am concerned.

Having said that, I am married and have a close network of friends and family in STL. If I would have been accepted to both, I would have considered SLU strongly, based on personal reasons.
I am living proof that the SLU waitlist moves!

I got the waitlist letter at the end of February, and three weeks later, I got an acceptance letter. The list is ranked, so I'm not sure how much good it did, but I did send a letter of interest to Dr. Willmore. All I know is that SLU gave me my first acceptance.

Good luck to all of you!

P.S. I had a regional interview, so I have yet to see the SLU campus. What did you all think?
Jet, I dont know how updating them helps since weve been ranked plus I dont have anything to update them with except maybe a new cell phone number. I sent a letter of intent and thats about all that can be done now.
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Congrats peacepuff! I just sent my letter to Dean Willmore yesterday. But the admissions office told me that the waitlist movement wont start until May. I guess she was wrong.
Jeez, I just want to hear SOMETHING from SLU, my app has been in there since early last fall and I haven't heard a thing!!
Originally posted by HoMuffin
:eek: I had no idea anyone interviewed that late! They sure do like stringing us along, huh? :( Oh well, good luck to us all....

I have an interview on April 22. When I scheduled it, I was sure that it was probably the last day of interviews there, but it looks like there will be at least 2 more weeks after I'm there.
Do you send a letter of interest to the admissions office c/o Dean Wilmore???? or is there another address specifically for the dean??? As for the updates, I was just wondering cause I do have updates like abstracts etc..... that I can send. My waitlist letter says to send updates but it also says that the waitlist is ranked so I'm confused on that matter........

Maybe they rerank people as they get new info.
Jet, I sent the letter of intent to the admissions office but had ATTN:Dr. Willmore on the envelope and directed the letter to Dr. Willmore
I just emailed my interviewer about the waitlist at SLU. I was told that the waitlist isnt that big...under 200. SLU will give out about 400 acceptances this yr to fill the class and many of these seats will come from the the waitlist. Thus guys being in the alternate club might not be that bad.
Wow, I guess the getting on the alternate list is good. I figured from people I talked to who interviewed there that everyone got on the alternate list who interviewed and didnt get in. I dont know of anyone I talked to who got outright rejected after interview.

I called SLU this week to set up an appointment to tour the school and what not since it looks like I will definitely be going there in the fall. It sounds like their last day of interviews is May 13th. It's crazy they seem to be interviewing so late, but, hey, just thought I'd pass the word along.
Just called Slu and was told that movement wont start until May 13th.
Sending out official letter of withdrawal from SLU. Good luck guys!