So I took orgo, got a D, took it again, got an F...

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Mar 27, 2004
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I am a sophomore at UIC and I am on a horrible downward trend.
*1st semester : cumulative 4.0, no science classes, 2nd semester : one B in gen chem I, cum. GPA=3.67, summer school I got a C in gen chem, which brought me to a 3.4. This fall I got a D in orgo I, and a B in Cell biology, which brought my cumulative to a 3.2.. So I retook orgo I, got an F, and an F in calc. which brings cumulatively to a 2.72. I don't even want to think what my BCOMP is., I know its awful. :scared: I have a lot of e.cs, I was the president of the pre-health club at the UIC medical center, volunteered these past two years on peds, have a work study job as a computer consultant/technician, and done a lot of shadowing. Overloading on E.Cs is what got me the D, but honestly it was a lack of discipline and focus that got me the Fs. I never thought to drop, didn't read SDN threads...So I plan to take Orgo II in the summer, and take Orgo I after that. Surprisingly, I've learned a lot of Orgo I, and I will be ready for II. I am retaking calc in the summer. I believe that with enought time, and enough As, I can bring my GPA up, and into medical school. I am really worried about that downward trend. After shadowing so much, I saw how unglamerous medicine truly is, and for a while I questioned how satisfying medicine could actually be. But now, I am stronger in my convictions for doing Medicine. I just hope I can make amends...

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Thanks for sharing....?
thats horrible, those grades will haunt you to no end. screw the ecs, with grades like that youre in a heap of trouble. sub 3.0 will hardly get you into d.o school

Will Ferrell said:
Thanks for sharing....?
true i dont really see too much point to this thread, i guess hes just thinking out loud
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Life has its ups and downs.

Hope all works out, Hindiana. :)
there's always post-bacc
i dont think its ur intelligence thats lacking, its discipline. after the D the first time, how can u possibly get lower when u know u have to do well?!? get ur act together.
Will Ferrell said:
Thanks for sharing....?

Sorry, I was asking for advice... and posting for catharsis, and I wanted to know what other people think. I need a wakeup call, I thought the folks of SDN would provide it. I've been living in a bubble, getting distracted so easily and taking everything with such levity.
ohh... you should drop a few EC's, major in whatever you were taking the first semester, and study your ass off for the MCATs...
Hindiana_Jones said:
Sorry, I was asking for advice... and posting for catharsis, and I wanted to know what other people think. I need a wakeup call, I thought the folks of SDN would provide it. I've been living in a bubble, getting distracted so easily and taking everything with such levity.
if you don't change this immediately, you're looking at a post-bacc
TheProwler said:
if you don't change this immediately, you're looking at a post-bacc

Yeah, I am afraid even after this semester I might have to do one...
if you don't change this immediately, you're looking at a post-bacc

I don't think even postbacc will help. Do the best you can, but realistically, your BCPM has to be down around a 2, which means there's basically very little chance you'll get into an allo school. Start exploring other options (DO, Carrib).
I say surround yourself with the most anal premeds you can find. They will seriously freak you out so much that you'll do nothing but study because that's what you should be doing. GRADES ARE ABOVE EXTRACURR. You can also stay for another or two more years to get your GPA stabilized to a 3.5 at least. I think it's possible but you just need alot of motivation and hard work. But if you can pull this off it'll look great in apps and you have a story to tell.
Hindiana_Jones said:
I am a sophomore at UIC and I am on a horrible downward trend.
*1st semester : cumulative 4.0, no science classes, 2nd semester : one B in gen chem I, cum. GPA=3.67, summer school I got a C in gen chem, which brought me to a 3.4. This fall I got a D in orgo I, and a B in Cell biology, which brought my cumulative to a 3.2.. So I retook orgo I, got an F, and an F in calc. which brings cumulatively to a 2.72. I don't even want to think what my BCOMP is., I know its awful. :scared: I have a lot of e.cs, I was the president of the pre-health club at the UIC medical center, volunteered these past two years on peds, have a work study job as a computer consultant/technician, and done a lot of shadowing. Overloading on E.Cs is what got me the D, but honestly it was a lack of discipline and focus that got me the Fs. I never thought to drop, didn't read SDN threads...So I plan to take Orgo II in the summer, and take Orgo I after that. Surprisingly, I've learned a lot of Orgo I, and I will be ready for II. I am retaking calc in the summer. I believe that with enought time, and enough As, I can bring my GPA up, and into medical school. I am really worried about that downward trend. After shadowing so much, I saw how unglamerous medicine truly is, and for a while I questioned how satisfying medicine could actually be. But now, I am stronger in my convictions for doing Medicine. I just hope I can make amends...

If you can't pass organic chemistry after 2 tries, then you need to reconsider your career.

A 2.72 GPA is below the minimum even for D.O. schools.
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dmoney41 said:
I don't think even postbacc will help. Do the best you can, but realistically, your BCPM has to be down around a 2, which means there's basically very little chance you'll get into an allo school. Start exploring other options (DO, Carrib).

my BCOMP is .06 right now.... oh god... :scared: :scared: :scared: :scared:

its appauling to myself. I started out with straight As, albiet not in science classes, and a year later I have a 0.6... I am going to stay pre-allo, but I could see this taking up the 7 years to mend, including post bac...
Hindiana_Jones said:
my BCOMP is .06 right now.... oh god... :scared: :scared: :scared: :scared:

You mean 0.6, I assume? Still, that's beyond atrocious.
nothing says let me into your med school than a 0.6 BCOMP. Well looks like theres no way but up from here? :thumbup:
find people who did really well in ochem and be friends with them; they are generally the undergrad ta's. Or pay a tutor when you take it again. Having done real well in ochem and having ta'ed it I feel like i can help anyone get an A or B in the class. My point here is that everyone specializes in something and if you find who those people are and stick with them that will get you far inside and out of class.
Yeah, thanks for the encouragement, and the honesty. Although, why would not want me as your physician? Obviously not now, but if I do make it, which would be many years from now, I obviously wouldn't be the reckless pre-med with two Fs... I haven't factored in retaking those two classes into that gpa, but even so, I am sure it wouldn't help that much... If someone else posted with those stats I would tell them to give up too, but because I am the one posting, I don't want to give up.
OSUdoc08 said:
Anyone with an 0.6 science GPA shouldn't even be allowed to continue in college.

Thats brutal. Isn't this considered flaming?
Hopefully you won't listen to people telling you to give up on your goal of an MD. Maybe you just need a couple of terms with a near 4.0 GPA to boost your confidence and get you back in the swing of things. If for a while you need to take non-science classes, science classes for "non-science" majors, fewer credits or whatever that might be something to consider.

You're still at a fairly early stage in the process, which means it shouldn't be that hard to turn your GPA around. Why count on a post-bac for that when you can correct the damage now? Maybe you should consider skipping summer school and just finding a job, with which you could save up some money that could possibly save you from having to work during the regular school year.

While GPA isn't everything, it will make the process a lot harder for you than it needs to be. If you repeated a class twice and did poorly both times, take that as a hint that either your study habits weren't too great, you aren't interested in the topic and need to find some way to connect (ie think of your goal for taking the class), you aren't prepared for the course (take more intro chem or biochem, pre calc type courses to help prep you), or some other reason.

It sounds like you really need a break, because if you keep pushing down this road of thinking you'll get an A next time, without addressing what ever the problem is first you'll just dig yourself into a deeper hole. I would never retake a course the following term, take a quarter/semester break and then come back to it when you're ready. Remember it is not a race, take your time and eventually you'll get that MD acceptance and all of this will be in the past.
this is a good thread
You guys are being really harsh on this poor guy. Yeah, he dug his own hole, and he better be prepared to dig himself out of it. Really now, in a period of 6 or 7 months, he's landed himself where he is. Not much time, but a heck of a lot of damage.

Listen, OP, if you want to pursue medicine any further, you've got to dedicate yourself to the task at hand. Yeah, some people are taking potshots at you, but they only feel at liberty to do that because your case is pretty much a sunken ship. In order to get it sailing again, you're going to have to excavate it off the bottom, drag it into port, patch it up, and go on from there.

It's obvious your study skills are lacking. It's also obvious you're not keeping up with the material. Again, if you want to pursue this further, you're going to have to completely overhaul your life as a student. If you don't feel like you can manage them, skip the ECs. You can pick those up AFTER you finish your undergraduate career, even though that might mean taking a year off before applying.
or continue as you are and go caribb. they would be happy to take you no matter what
freaker said:
You guys are being really harsh on this poor guy. Yeah, he dug his own hole, and he better be prepared to dig himself out of it. Really now, in a period of 6 or 7 months, he's landed himself where he is. Not much time, but a heck of a lot of damage.

Listen, OP, if you want to pursue medicine any further, you've got to dedicate yourself to the task at hand. Yeah, some people are taking potshots at you, but they only feel at liberty to do that because your case is pretty much a sunken ship. In order to get it sailing again, you're going to have to excavate it off the bottom, drag it into port, patch it up, and go on from there.

It's obvious your study skills are lacking. It's also obvious you're not keeping up with the material. Again, if you want to pursue this further, you're going to have to completely overhaul your life as a student. If you don't feel like you can manage them, skip the ECs. You can pick those up AFTER you finish your undergraduate career, even though that might mean taking a year off before applying.

Hey Freaker, checked out your profile. You seem a lot more calm that that profile may indicate. Are you in somewhere?
Just like to know...:)
i think you should just go carribean. you'd probably waste too much time and money doing it any other way. Spend the time u would have used in trying to get into a U.S. school toward doing well in the carribean.
Hey Hindiana, check out my profile, I have a similar history to yours but I never fail a class before (I got 3 Cs, overload myself with ECs, did way too much)

My advice is to retake those classes for a 3rd time, don't quit until you gets As in them (talk to prof if he will avg the A with the F/D so you'll get atleast like a C-) Ace the MCAT. You are only a sophmore, I think you still have a chance, just do really well in the next two years (I would wait and apply after senior year to get all the grades and research during your glide year-start now if you can so you can get publications out). Also when when applying to medschools, apply to some good postbac programs as a back up plan too. One more thing, try taking upper level science courses in your senior year to simulate the medstudent courses (histology, biochemistry, neuro, etc...)

best of luck, never give up. Don't let anyone discourage you by saying "why don't u just go to DOs or Carribean schools because I think you have no chance at allopathic schools", if a MD is your dream, follow it. Perserverance will pay off in the end.

Hindiana_Jones said:
I am a sophomore at UIC and I am on a horrible downward trend.
*1st semester : cumulative 4.0, no science classes, 2nd semester : one B in gen chem I, cum. GPA=3.67, summer school I got a C in gen chem, which brought me to a 3.4. This fall I got a D in orgo I, and a B in Cell biology, which brought my cumulative to a 3.2.. So I retook orgo I, got an F, and an F in calc. which brings cumulatively to a 2.72. I don't even want to think what my BCOMP is., I know its awful. :scared: I have a lot of e.cs, I was the president of the pre-health club at the UIC medical center, volunteered these past two years on peds, have a work study job as a computer consultant/technician, and done a lot of shadowing. Overloading on E.Cs is what got me the D, but honestly it was a lack of discipline and focus that got me the Fs. I never thought to drop, didn't read SDN threads...So I plan to take Orgo II in the summer, and take Orgo I after that. Surprisingly, I've learned a lot of Orgo I, and I will be ready for II. I am retaking calc in the summer. I believe that with enought time, and enough As, I can bring my GPA up, and into medical school. I am really worried about that downward trend. After shadowing so much, I saw how unglamerous medicine truly is, and for a while I questioned how satisfying medicine could actually be. But now, I am stronger in my convictions for doing Medicine. I just hope I can make amends...
You'll really be screwing yourself if you take orgo in the summer. It's not easy, to say the least, and you need to address your study habits before diving headlong into academic bootcamp for the summer. Like another poster said, step back for awhile and reassess your weaknesses. Science classes need constant review, no last-minute cramming. Take it from a humanities major who used to submit papers hot off the press.
lfesiam said:
Perserverance will pay off in the end.

Ah yeah.... since everybody who wants to get into a US allo school gets in at some point?

I think there are plenty of people who would disprove your point. The point of what people are saying is that after having failed a prerequisite twice it is going to be extremely difficult to get in somewhere, even after postbacc. Of course, nothing is impossible, but I would think very hard whether I would invest more time/money/effort into the process when the chances of success are quite slim. Sometimes it is better facing the truth early than chasing after a dream, only to wake up 15 years later realizing that you have no career, no life, and still did not get into med school
Hi everyone,
first thanks for the support, it really means a lot. I really don't want to do a post-bacc, but if I don't have a choice I will do it. I have completely halted all E.Cs, except my job, which I need in order to continue school. Let me say that last night, I calculated my GPA incorrecty, and my BCOMP, without retaking any classes is a 1.533333. Thats a lot better than 0.6, but still awful, I don't deserve the right to live, I know.... Secondly, I was hoping I would get the brutal truth from some members, to see what the real world thinks of me. As dumb as it sounds, I am taking Orgo II in the summer and Calc I. I applied to transfer to U of I in Urbana-Champaign and was accepted. I know, its crazy... Anyway, I had a cumulative 3.2 GPA, and they accepted me. The cut-off for the molecular and cellular biology program I was accepted to is a 2.7, which I barely make now. Anyway, I have to take calc if I still want a glimmer of transfering in the fall, and I need to take Orgo II to have the correct number of credit hours to transfer. I don't know if U of I will accept or reject me after seeing my news grades, but I hope I still can go. I don't really know anyone down there, so I won't be easily distracted. The culture there is also a lot different than UIC, and I will be glad to start over somewhere new.

I also agree that my study habits need a lot of work. I realized first semester of orgo and second semester of orgo that it is not a class you can cram for. Second semester I started studying early, but I would distracted by my roommate. Instead of doing the smart thing and going to the library, I though "I'll learn how to discipline myself by studying here and not being distracted.Yeah, right" Three days before the final I knew I couldn't cram 13 chapters. I tried but no in earnest. Essientially, I need to get away from people, and my computer, and focusing on studying. Studying infront of AIM does not help either....
Hindiana_Jones said:
Thats a lot better than 0.6, but still awful, I don't deserve the right to live, I know....

There are more important things in life than grades... and even medicine.
Hindiana_Jones said:
I am a sophomore at UIC and I am on a horrible downward trend.
*1st semester : cumulative 4.0, no science classes, 2nd semester : one B in gen chem I, cum. GPA=3.67, summer school I got a C in gen chem, which brought me to a 3.4. This fall I got a D in orgo I, and a B in Cell biology, which brought my cumulative to a 3.2.. So I retook orgo I, got an F, and an F in calc. which brings cumulatively to a 2.72. I don't even want to think what my BCOMP is., I know its awful. :scared: I have a lot of e.cs, I was the president of the pre-health club at the UIC medical center, volunteered these past two years on peds, have a work study job as a computer consultant/technician, and done a lot of shadowing. Overloading on E.Cs is what got me the D, but honestly it was a lack of discipline and focus that got me the Fs. I never thought to drop, didn't read SDN threads...So I plan to take Orgo II in the summer, and take Orgo I after that. Surprisingly, I've learned a lot of Orgo I, and I will be ready for II. I am retaking calc in the summer. I believe that with enought time, and enough As, I can bring my GPA up, and into medical school. I am really worried about that downward trend. After shadowing so much, I saw how unglamerous medicine truly is, and for a while I questioned how satisfying medicine could actually be. But now, I am stronger in my convictions for doing Medicine. I just hope I can make amends...

I think schools look at upward trend at least according to an interviewer I know. You may want to work on that. If you can score higher in the harder sciences i think that would look really good. at least I think that was what helped me. Well good luck and make time for your books trust me if you have to quit everything else you are doing do it and concentrate trust me I paid for not making time and I really do not think you would like to pay for it. Good luck you can really do it trust me.
nne97080 said:
I think schools look at upward trend at least according to an interviewer I know. You may want to work on that. If you can score higher in the harder sciences i think that would look really good. at least I think that was what helped me. Well good luck and make time for your books trust me if you have to quit everything else you are doing do it and concentrate trust me I paid for not making time and I really do not think you would like to pay for it. Good luck you can really do it trust me.

Thanks nne, I am counting on upward trends when I apply... but I still need to have above a 3.1 science BCOP, even with a killer MCAT, which is why I think this will take so long...
hardy said:
Ah yeah.... since everybody who wants to get into a US allo school gets in at some point?

hardy, you are right in the fact that not everyone gets in. It is hard especially for people who screwed up. However, it is those that never give up & improve that successfully gain acceptance.

But you have a point, sometime you have to know when to quit, but I think the OP still can turn everything around, he or she's only a sophmore. You'll be surprise at success stories I've heard. People who gets Fs and flunk out of college, went back in and do a full postbac, gets a master, and score mid 30s on their MCAT and successfully gain admission. A mistake is only a mistake if you repeated it twice.
lfesiam said:
A mistake is only a mistake if you repeated it twice.

I did though... :(

I need to get off SDN and start studying for summer school... June 1st, here I come.
One of my good friends actually took orgo 3x, getting Ds and then an A. She's in med school now, but she did have to take a 5th year in college to mend her GPA.
Hindiana_Jones said:
my BCOMP is .06 right now.... oh god... :scared: :scared: :scared: :scared:

its appauling to myself. I started out with straight As, albiet not in science classes, and a year later I have a 0.6... I am going to stay pre-allo, but I could see this taking up the 7 years to mend, including post bac...

Edit: okay, I realized later he posted the wrong GPA. I think caribbean should be an option if you don't want to do a post-bacc. Prepare to spend many years fixing this... if you're willing to do that and want it enough, nothing is impossible, but know that it will take an enormous amount of discipline and work. And that's just to get IN. After that, the real work begins. Good luck.
Sounds like you need to study more or get a tutor.
Okay, here's some alternate advice, Hindiana, if you're still reading this thread: I'd say that at some point somewhere you need to give yourself the chance to step back from the worrying and planning and take a look at where you're at in life and where you really want to be. And a serious look at what your motivations are for going into medicine. I'm NOT saying that you have to give up on the idea - but just seriously look at why you're really trying for it. Is it worth turning your college years into endless stress and worry and self-doubt? Give yourself a real chance to think of other things, explore other options, have other experiences. College is the best time in life for this. Maybe you're supposed to be a writer or a historian or a teacher or a musician.
jtank said:
i dont think its ur intelligence thats lacking, its discipline. after the D the first time, how can u possibly get lower when u know u have to do well?!? get ur act together.
yea that's what I think. I would have dropped it once I knew I couldn't get a B or better. You need to put EVERYTHING into improving your grades. One or two early poor grades can be overlooked, but a downward trend? That just spells disaster. You really need to get your act together for the rest of your undergrad. Learn how to manage time better and prioritize. Best of luck!
Hindiana_Jones said:
my BCOMP is .06 right now.... oh god... :scared: :scared: :scared: :scared:

its appauling to myself. I started out with straight As, albiet not in science classes, and a year later I have a 0.6... I am going to stay pre-allo, but I could see this taking up the 7 years to mend, including post bac...
WHAT????? How can it possibly be that low? I don't want to be so blunt but I'd say you have no chance of any allo or DO school unless you not only bring up your grades SIGNIFICANTLY and do post-bac. Don't stay pre-allo or you're being totally unrealistic. When you apply you must apply to a wide range of schools or you'll be doing this more than once. Be realistic, not stubborn.
chicagomel said:
You'll really be screwing yourself if you take orgo in the summer. It's not easy, to say the least, and you need to address your study habits before diving headlong into academic bootcamp for the summer. Like another poster said, step back for awhile and reassess your weaknesses. Science classes need constant review, no last-minute cramming. Take it from a humanities major who used to submit papers hot off the press.
actually if it's the ONLY thing you are doing this summer, it might be the best thing for distractions. He can devote 100% of his time to it; get help from the prof when needed and learn the subject well 24/7.
I understand what you been through. My school have one of the hardest Organic program in the state. Have you heard about writing lab reports that are 20 pp long each with, that u are quizzed every week. After taking Organic II two times, I made an F the first time and a B+ the second time without much studying then the first time. I don't know what you are going on in your personal life but it had a lot to do with my F the first time in Organic II. However, the situation for the second time taking it weren't any better but I realize that I can't control the winds but I can readjust my sails. So focus on doing better and make nothing less of B+. If u are just a sophomore u got time to pull it up. But if you don't have the time then focus on getting into a good post bacc or masters program. Use it as a test to see how much u want to do medicine. If u really really want to do it then nothing will stand in your way and u will persist until you succeed. Good luck!
Hindiana_Jones said:
Hi everyone,
first thanks for the support, it really means a lot. I really don't want to do a post-bacc, but if I don't have a choice I will do it. I have completely halted all E.Cs, except my job, which I need in order to continue school. Let me say that last night, I calculated my GPA incorrecty, and my BCOMP, without retaking any classes is a 1.533333. Thats a lot better than 0.6, but still awful, I don't deserve the right to live, I know.... Secondly, I was hoping I would get the brutal truth from some members, to see what the real world thinks of me. As dumb as it sounds, I am taking Orgo II in the summer and Calc I. I applied to transfer to U of I in Urbana-Champaign and was accepted. I know, its crazy... Anyway, I had a cumulative 3.2 GPA, and they accepted me. The cut-off for the molecular and cellular biology program I was accepted to is a 2.7, which I barely make now. Anyway, I have to take calc if I still want a glimmer of transfering in the fall, and I need to take Orgo II to have the correct number of credit hours to transfer. I don't know if U of I will accept or reject me after seeing my news grades, but I hope I still can go. I don't really know anyone down there, so I won't be easily distracted. The culture there is also a lot different than UIC, and I will be glad to start over somewhere new.

I also agree that my study habits need a lot of work. I realized first semester of orgo and second semester of orgo that it is not a class you can cram for. Second semester I started studying early, but I would distracted by my roommate. Instead of doing the smart thing and going to the library, I though "I'll learn how to discipline myself by studying here and not being distracted.Yeah, right" Three days before the final I knew I couldn't cram 13 chapters. I tried but no in earnest. Essientially, I need to get away from people, and my computer, and focusing on studying. Studying infront of AIM does not help either....

do NOT take both calc and Orgo the same semester; one each summer session..fine but you'll put yourself more in a hole if you attempt them both together. BE REALISTIC. You need to build yourself up slowly. Realize you have not had the best track record; each attempt to redeem yourself has forced yourself further down. Do it slowly and surely; build up your confidence before you tackle more than you can handle. One course at a time this summer...those are not easy courses and do not seem to be your area of expertise. YOU CAN NOT AFFORD ANY MORE MISTAKES.
But a 0.6 is going to take a lot lot lot lot lot lot lot...WHEW... of work. I mean that is a 0.6. I know we all have personal problem but I was homeless for almost a semester and went on the Dean's List that semester. Anything is possible but with that GPA u have to be realisitic. However, I am a prime suspect that anything is possible after being 9 years old in the first grade to graduating college at an age of 21 years old. My life motto is I WILL PERSIST UNTIL I SUCCEED. So don't give up and persist until you succeed!!!!!!!!
Braveheart said:
But a 0.6 is going to take a lot lot lot lot lot lot lot...WHEW... of work. I mean that is a 0.6. I know we all have personal problem but I was homeless for almost a semester and went on the Dean's List that semester. Anything is possible but with that GPA u have to be realisitic. However, I am a prime suspect that anything is possible after being 9 years old in the first grade to graduating college at an age of 21 years old. My life motto is I WILL PERSIST UNTIL I SUCCEED. So don't give up and persist until you succeed!!!!!!!!

Psycho Doctor, I will heed your advice about clac and orgo. maybe take orgo and an easy class to raise my GPA? I am not doing anything else this summer... and I have a 1.53 currently, not a .6 That is claculated without me retaking any classes.
Hindiana_Jones said:
Psycho Doctor, I will heed your advice. and I have a 1.53 currently, not a .6 That is claculated without me retaking any classes.

You need a minimum of 2.75 for osteopathic medical schools to even take your application.

This is likely a 3.0 for most allopathic medical schools, although some will accept at 2.75.
OSUdoc08 said:
You need a minimum of 2.75 for osteopathic medical schools to even take your application.

This is likely a 3.0 for most allopathic medical schools, although some will accept at 2.75.

That is true OSUdoc, but I still have time before I apply, at least two years...
Hindiana_Jones said:
That is true OSUdoc, but I still have time before I apply, at least two years...

Assuming you have 60 credits with a QPA of 1.5 from the first two years and you take 60 credits the other two years with a 4.0 QPA.
Then your overall will be: 2.75.

Now you probably do not have 60 science credits but whatever number you have, you would have to ace to only get a 2.75! If you take twice as many classes as you currently have, and ace them all, you will have a 3.16.
You would need to take four times as many classes as you currently have to bring it up to a 3.5. And you would need ALL As!

Just something to think about....
hardy said:
Assuming you have 60 credits with a QPA of 1.5 from the first two years and you take 60 credits the other two years with a 4.0 QPA.
Then your overall will be: 2.75.

Now you probably do not have 60 science credits but whatever number you have, you would have to ace to only get a 2.75! If you take twice as many classes as you currently have, and ace them all, you will have a 3.16.
You would need to take four times as many classes as you currently have to bring it up to a 3.5. And you would need ALL As!

Just something to think about....

I agree, it is going to be very hard, and very long. Currently, I have 30 science credits.