So I took orgo, got a D, took it again, got an F...

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LSU-Tech said:

I think clc8503 was merely making a suggestion that was insinuating on the pointlessness of this thread, which I totally agree with. It was clearly meant as joke Come on now, this thread is now up to eight pages (thanks to me) and consists of only a few different ideas repeated over and over again throughout its course. Most of these posts are created by premeds who are merely want-be-doctors giving other want-to-be-doctors advice. It’s the most ridiculous thing in the world.

For Example: Here is what I’m hearing repeated over and over again, followed by the way I interpret it from the premed perspective

“Don’t worry you’ll get in” –Even though I’m only a premed and don’t really know if I will get in
“Complete a post bachelor degree” –I don’t know a thing about this “first hand” but I know this guy who has a friend that did that and he got in.
“Retake the classes you’ve failed and apply to Osteopathic school”- This is about the most reasonable thing I’ve heard
“You’ll never get in; hang it up”- I don’t really know if you will get in or not. However, that will be one less applicant in the gene pool. (less competition)

If people want to continue posting then that’s there prerogative. This thread has clearly been milked to its fullest extent.

Sincerely yours,
Someone whose actually been accepted
you know, if it makes everyone feel better then just let it carry on. thats what people turn to these forums for. its the pre allo forum, so he can expect pre allo advice. otherwise it couldve been posted elsewhere.

yeah im indian. prowler indian, hmm i did not realize that. there should be an ethnicity option on the user profile. ill stick with english as far as posts go.

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Shredder said:
you know, if it makes everyone feel better then just let it carry on. thats what people turn to these forums for. its the pre allo forum, so he can expect pre allo advice. otherwise it couldve been posted elsewhere.

yeah im indian. prowler indian, hmm i did not realize that. there should be an ethnicity option on the user profile. ill stick with english as far as posts go.

Wow Shredder, never realized you and prowler were Indian. :laugh: :laugh:

That's cool to know there are more indians out here then I thought. LOL :) ;)

We should start another Indian Premeds thread up. The last one we had out, a long time ago turned out to be a very interesting and fun thread. Don't know what happened to it. I think it got way of topic and it went to the Lounge instead. lol
i NEVER thought that shredder was indian --- wow!

i kept picturing a younger version of the donald...literally :)
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wetlightning said:
i NEVER thought that shredder was indian --- wow!

i kept picturing a younger version of the donald...literally :)

Actually, you know what????? Me too. I had the same vision of some white male caucasian. Same thing with Prowler. I pictured him to be some white male caucasian for some reason. :laugh: :laugh:
wetlightning said:
i NEVER thought that shredder was indian --- wow!

i kept picturing a younger version of the donald...literally :)

me too
OSUdoc08 said:
If you can't pass organic chemistry after 2 tries, then you need to reconsider your career.

A 2.72 GPA is below the minimum even for D.O. schools.

plus, if you're having B's in genchem, you really need to reconsider your career
DocRugby said:
plus, if you're having B's in genchem, you really need to reconsider your career

thats totally untrue, i got B in g-chem class, but A's in all my orgo classes. g-chem requires more mathematical thinking, wheras orgo requires more conceptual thinking. its apples and oranges, cant compare.
Wow, I knew Shredder was Indian, but I had NO idea about Prowler. Really comes across as WASP male, for some reason.
All this Hindi leads me to one conclusion... med school in India and then the USMLE :laugh: oh god, here come all the posts about how I am not good enough for med school anywhere. And yes, I too pictured both Prowler and Shredder as white guys..
Effing Indians....always have to hijack every thread.

junebuguf said:
Effing Indians....always have to hijack every thread.


I hope this is a joke/sarcastic. :thumbdown:

(edit: so it was a joke. cute. kekeke. anyway, peace & love to everyone :love: )
Hindiana_Jones said:
All this Hindi leads me to one conclusion... med school in India and then the USMLE :laugh: oh god, here come all the posts about how I am not good enough for med school anywhere. And yes, I too pictured both Prowler and Shredder as white guys..
hey hindiana, my brother some years back screwed around in college, went to europe then transferred to the caribbean, aced the usmle and matched in radiology. its one of the most desirable specialties right now. so, it can be done if you really get your act together.

i think its always assumed that a person is a white guy or girl unless the name indicates otherwise. you have to go with the most likely option according to statistics. i wonder if we should all add it to our signatures?

eh, the bell curve thing was a little tactless, i guess it was an offhanded compliment. be careful, things like that can screw you over if youre ever in the limelight like the harvard president.
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crazy_cavalier said:
I hope this is a joke/sarcastic. :thumbdown:

Trust me this is a joke. The poster whom made that post is an Indian himself. he's just being funny.
huh, that is a photo of a white guy though, confusing

I've p osted this story many times and over again over my time posting here, but here it goes.

My MCAT instructor from summer of 2004, when I initially took the test had a 37N on his MCAT. He also had straight A's for 90 credit hours worth of hard science.

however, here is the catch. Prior to that, he had 8 F's on his transcript. 3 or those were failing genchm 3 times. 2 years in the Navy, getting real disciplined, a Physical therapy license, and better overall work ethic and he pulled off the straight A's for 90 credit hours worth of hard science classes and high MCAT. As a result, he had 4 interviews of which he cancelled 2. Of the two he went to, he had been waitlisted but got into the school he really wanted to go to 5 days after the May 15th deadline.

It may take awhile. It may take doing a postbac and then maybe even an SMP. It will require a lot of hard discipline and doing extremely well on the MCAT. It will require you to possibly wait awhile, but it can be done if there is a will. There may be DO schools to consider, or maybe Carribbean if worse come to worse. But if you really want to be a doctor, MD, DO or otherwise, you'll be able to do it if you do the obvious and change your study habits and do well. There is only so many times we can tell you the obvious here. So with that said, I'm going to agree with those that were saying that this thread has no reason to continue. It is quite obvious there are only 3 things really to it:
do better in school and retake the class and kick butt in it.
do well in the MCAT
do a postbac or SMP if necessary.

End of discussion.
DocRugby said:
plus, if you're having B's in genchem, you really need to reconsider your career

There's no gen chem in med school.....

but obviously you are being sarcastic, since B's are the norm

Yes there isn't organic chem either, but F's and B's are a completely different story...
OSUdoc08 said:
If you can't pass organic chemistry after 2 tries, then you need to reconsider your career.

A 2.72 GPA is below the minimum even for D.O. schools.

Ok, I barely ever post anymore, but I had to say something about this comment.

YOU DON'T USE O-CHEM, PHYSICS, G-CHEM, or MATH (beyond fractions, addition, subtraction, and exponents) IN MEDICAL SCHOOL!

Learning those things, although beneficial in and of themselves, are just hoops you have to jump through.
Spitting Camel said:
Ok, I barely ever post anymore, but I had to say something about this comment.

YOU DON'T USE O-CHEM IN MEDICAL SCHOOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Learning it is just a hoop you have to jump through.

No, you don't. However, you shouldn't be admitted to medical school


Especially those that are both prerequisites and required for the MCAT.


Now, obviously if you retake then course, and pass it, then you would be qualified to get into medical school, as long as you are able to compensate for GPA problems.

Unfortunately, multiple failures are very difficult to compensate for, since they will still be in your GPA.
OSUdoc08 said:
No, you don't. However, you shouldn't be admitted to medical school


Especially those that are both prerequisites and required for the MCAT.

You really don't know anything about anyone, so how can you say who is deserving of getting into medical school? What if someone said that about you and didn't let you in... would you think that was fair?
Spitting Camel said:
You really don't know anything about anyone, so how can you say who is deserving of getting into medical school? What if someone said that about you and didn't let you in... would you think that was fair?
The criteria for getting into medical school at bare minimum is passing a year of Biology, G-Chem, O-Chem, and Physics. If you don't complete those you can't get into med school. This isn't a subjective matter.
Spitting Camel said:
You really don't know anything about anyone, so how can you say who is deserving of getting into medical school? What if someone said that about you and didn't let you in... would you think that was fair?

Read the admissions requirements for all medical schools.

They require passing chemistry.

I didn't make it up.

Nice try.
BrettBatchelor said:
The criteria for getting into medical school at bare minimum is passing a year of Biology, G-Chem, O-Chem, and Physics. If you don't complete those you can't get into med school. This isn't a subjective matter.

That's not what I'm saying. That is a given and can't be argued. What I'm arguing for is not being high and mighty.
OSUdoc08 said:
Read the admissions requirements for all medical schools.

They require passing chemistry.

I didn't make it up.

Nice try.

Of course you have to pass the classes. Please... What you don't have to do is change professions because someone without a name or a face told you you couldn't cut it.
gujuDoc said:
Are you indian???? who would have guessed????
either my gibberish is just that good, or you guys aren't much of Indians, because I just typed out whatever looked like what the other guys were typing :laugh: I'm no Desi. :(
Shredder said:
huh, that is a photo of a white guy though, confusing

is it??? i thought it was a cute indian guy pic :D
Spitting Camel said:
Of course you have to pass the classes. Please... What you don't have to do is change professions because someone without a name or a face told you you couldn't cut it.
and if no one lets you into med school, you're not going to be a doctor. What are you trying to say?

Just do very well your last few years or in a post-bacc, and do very well on the MCAT. Give yourself a few extra years to learn and shine.

Maybe you should try taking Ochem at a community or less intense college if they offer it, and work your ass off to pass.
GITM said:

Just do very well your last few years or in a post-bacc, and do very well on the MCAT. Give yourself a few extra years to learn and shine.

Maybe you should try taking Ochem at a community or less intense college if they offer it, and work your ass off to pass.

Not without retaking these courses.
As a card-carrying member of ICE, ISA, HSA and several other meaningless acronyms, I take great pride in picking on my own. That, and the fact that, stated or not, many schools have quotas for the number of Indian students admitted each year. We're all just Piranhas, competing against each other for the same slot at every's worth lamenting from time to time.

GITM said:

Just do very well your last few years or in a post-bacc, and do very well on the MCAT. Give yourself a few extra years to learn and shine.

Maybe you should try taking Ochem at a community or less intense college if they offer it, and work your ass off to pass.

A lot? I don't know about that.

Failing a course in the sciences is really unacceptable if you're seeking admissions into a health profession, especially in the prerequisite courses.

It can be overcome, but it is not something to be taken lightly.
This guy is really f*cked. Lets just tell him the truth and he would be probably be better spending his life doing something else. Maybe a physical therapy program or a physician assistant program would be better suited for him. He needs to ask himself what his real motivation is.
Dr.Giggles said:
This guy is really f*cked. Lets just tell him the truth and he would be probably be better spending his life doing something else. Maybe a physical therapy program or a physician assistant program would be better suited for him. He needs to ask himself what his real motivation is.

I don't believe a mistake like failing a course (granted, even if it happens to be failing the course repeatedly) should necessarily bar him from something for the rest of his life. People should have second chances, and one tiny span in your life (i.e. one semester, one year in college, etc.) shouldn't cripple the rest of your entire life.

At least, not ideally. I suppose it depends on the magnitude of the bad that you do. Example: I decide I'm in a bad mood so I go out at night and shoot someone. Yes, that was really bad, and even if it was just one day out of my whole life, maybe I deserve prison for the rest of my life. Failing orgo obviously pales in comparisan to this scenario.

Anyway, in the end I guess it boils down to: who are we to judge? Quite frankly I'm tired of judging and tired of being judged. :smuggrin:
Dr.Giggles said:
This guy is really f*cked. Lets just tell him the truth and he would be probably be better spending his life doing something else. Maybe a physical therapy program or a physician assistant program would be better suited for him. He needs to ask himself what his real motivation is.

With situation like this its going to be hard not to just give up. U remind me of when I got put back to the first grade when I was 9 years old. After living in Liberia (Africa) during a Civil War as a US citizen I (as a US born citizen) came back to this country after living in africa for 8 years, and with not any education. Long story but my first grade teacher told me that I will never might make it to high school. Well, I could had given up right then especially as a 9 year old in the first grade. However, I used that as motivation to get myself on track. Well nonetheless, fast forward 12 years I graduated from college when I was 21. But also add to my life illness, poverty, single parent home, working 40 hours in high school and college made me into a person that I cant accept defeat. The OP, if his/her intention are pure and just, have the right to become anything that he/she wants to be. There are many pathways to one's destiny which are different from others. Imagine if George Lucas give up when most people thought 'Star Wars' was stupid, to just name a few. I read that over 60% of people that apply to medical school parents make over 74,000 a year. There are many traditional ways to get into medical school. I AM HERE TO PROVE THAT WITH PERSISTENCE ANYTHING IS REACHABLE.
Braveheart said:
With situation like this its going to be hard not to just give up. U remind me of when I got put back to the first grade when I was 9 years old. After living in Liberia (Africa) during a Civil War as a US citizen I (as a US born citizen) came back to this country after living in africa for 8 years, and with not any education. Long story but my first grade teacher told me that I will never might make it to high school. Well, I could had given up right then especially as a 9 year old in the first grade. However, I used that as motivation to get myself on track. Well nonetheless, fast forward 12 years I graduated from college when I was 21. But also add to my life illness, poverty, single parent home, working 40 hours in high school and college made me into a person that I cant accept defeat. The OP, if his/her intention are pure and just, have the right to become anything that he/she wants to be. There are many pathways to one's destiny which are different from others. Imagine if George Lucas give up when most people thought 'Star Wars' was stupid, to just name a few. I read that over 60% of people that apply to medical school parents make over 74,000 a year. There are many traditional ways to get into medical school. I AM HERE TO PROVE THAT WITH PERSISTENCE ANYTHING IS REACHABLE.

wow, thats impressive. good luck to u and the OP in the future.
Hindiana_Jones said:
I am a sophomore at UIC and I am on a horrible downward trend.
*1st semester : cumulative 4.0, no science classes, 2nd semester : one B in gen chem I, cum. GPA=3.67, summer school I got a C in gen chem, which brought me to a 3.4. This fall I got a D in orgo I, and a B in Cell biology, which brought my cumulative to a 3.2.. So I retook orgo I, got an F, and an F in calc. which brings cumulatively to a 2.72. I don't even want to think what my BCOMP is., I know its awful. :scared: I have a lot of e.cs, I was the president of the pre-health club at the UIC medical center, volunteered these past two years on peds, have a work study job as a computer consultant/technician, and done a lot of shadowing. Overloading on E.Cs is what got me the D, but honestly it was a lack of discipline and focus that got me the Fs. I never thought to drop, didn't read SDN threads...So I plan to take Orgo II in the summer, and take Orgo I after that. Surprisingly, I've learned a lot of Orgo I, and I will be ready for II. I am retaking calc in the summer. I believe that with enought time, and enough As, I can bring my GPA up, and into medical school. I am really worried about that downward trend. After shadowing so much, I saw how unglamerous medicine truly is, and for a while I questioned how satisfying medicine could actually be. But now, I am stronger in my convictions for doing Medicine. I just hope I can make amends...

My advice is insurance, you can make tons selling health insurance extenders/supplementals to the elderly on medicare. Also, stock trading. Both solid careers.
TheProwler said:
either my gibberish is just that good, or you guys aren't much of Indians, because I just typed out whatever looked like what the other guys were typing :laugh: I'm no Desi. :(

Oh ok that's what I thought. No, though I'm Indian, I don't really speak the language so your gibberish did fool me. I admit it. ;) :p

:laugh: :laugh:
gujuDoc said:
Oh ok that's what I thought. No, though I'm Indian, I don't really speak the language so your gibberish did fool me. I admit it. ;) :p

:laugh: :laugh:

HAHAHA this is funny
wetlightning said:
HAHAHA this is funny

Yah I admit it. I understand bits and pieces of hindi, but mainly only understand guju. :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
Hindiana_Jones said:
Yes, which is why I am retaking them.

AMCAS averages your new scores with your old ones. Your GPA will not make it above 3.0.

And that means no AMCAS school will give you the time of day, unless you get a 38 on the MCAT.
OSUdoc08 said:
AMCAS averages your new scores with your old ones. Your GPA will not make it above 3.0.

And that means no AMCAS school will give you the time of day, unless you get a 38 on the MCAT.

Not true. If I know someone who got a 23 on the MCAT and went Allo, you can get in with a lower GPA. Pick and choose schools carefully. Call and ask for honest appraisals of your app. Get your groove back and work hard, even consider taking a post bacc program. If you want this, don't give up, no matter who thinks you shouldn't.
Spitting Camel said:
Not true. If I know someone who got a 23 on the MCAT and went Allo, you can get in with a lower GPA. Pick and choose schools carefully. Call and ask for honest appraisals of your app. Get your groove back and work hard, even consider taking a post bacc program. If you want this, don't give up, no matter who thinks you shouldn't.

What was his GPA?
Spitting Camel said:
Not true. If I know someone who got a 23 on the MCAT and went Allo, you can get in with a lower GPA. Pick and choose schools carefully. Call and ask for honest appraisals of your app. Get your groove back and work hard, even consider taking a post bacc program. If you want this, don't give up, no matter who thinks you shouldn't.
Anecdotes and friends of a friend are rare occurances. Generally speaking, a sub 3.0 GPA won't get you into an allo school. I am not saying give up but know the cards are stacked against you.
its hard to believe this thread has almost 200 posts, 180 of them redundant....
wow this post is still here... i thought when i started flaming on people last week that it would end. Perhaps i should try harder next time.
Yeah!!! #200