Sobering tragedy at VCU

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Wow! makes you rethink the whole "not life or death like medicine" train of thought....
I LOVE reading the comments underneath the article <sarcasm>. It's surprising how the general public thinks they know what procedure is necessary and what is not. Nonetheless, my condolences to the family.
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I LOVE reading the comments underneath the article <sarcasm>. It's surprising how the general public thinks they know what procedure is necessary and what is not. Nonetheless, my condolences to the family.

I agree. Every 5th comment is "why would they put caps on baby teeth?" and it usually gets answered by someone in the dental field or that knows at least a little about the dental field.

The article could have educated people better by explaining that concept, but that kind of news doesn't sell as well.
I read a few of the last 20 or so comments, and they actually seem to be fairly educated statements for the most part. Must have some SDNers on there posting, except for the one guy who thought that local anesthesia should always be administered in a hospital setting...geez...
I read a few of the last 20 or so comments, and they actually seem to be fairly educated statements for the most part. Must have some SDNers on there posting, except for the one guy who thought that local anesthesia should always be administered in a hospital setting...geez...
I saw that, but the articles I read about it made it sound like he was under IV sedation, not local.