Social Psychology: Ted Williams and Obama Physical Resemblance

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Apr 9, 2007
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Has anyone else noticed somewhat of a physical similarity between Ted Williams (the overnight internet sensation, and subject of the youtube video "homeless man with a golden voice", and Barack Obama? Ted Williams is talented, no doubt, but it's interesting to at least wonder if the overnight success could have been, in some part, a function of a large number of the population's ability to identify, if at least on a subconscious level, with a well know individual.

Then again, perhaps not. I found it an interesting thought, nonetheless.

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Have YOU ever seen them in the same place, at the same time...I think not.

Tha being said, they both have excellent speaking voices, although Ted's is better. Perhaps they share more than a few genes...
The best explanation I've heard is that Williams IS Obama

...From the Future!
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I'm not sure I see the resemblance. But I will admit that every time I see him (Ted Williams), I say to myself "Why does this guy look so familiar?"

As an aside, this is really a fantastic story and I was trying to hold back a few tears when he was talking on the Today Show. But I'm a little worried that this guy is going to have a hard time with all the sudden fame and pressure. I hope he gets in treatment--fast.
Don't think they look the same. Great speaking voices. Agree about him staying in Recovery.
I've decided to talk to my patients in that Ted Williams voice.

"You sir I have diagnosed with schizophrenia. I prescribed you the antipsychotic medication Risperdal. It could cause side effects so please let me know if you have any after you take it. Please do not be shy to tell me of any sexual side effects because this medication can cause that though it is uncommon."

The words may seem appropriate, but with that Ted Williams voice, all of a sudden it becomes inappropriate.
Whopper, you are hilarious. I couldn't sleep so I was looking over the forum and when I read your post with the Ted Williams voice I burst out laughing. I then tried to go to bed however I was laughing so hard I woke up my wife. She asked me what was so funny I told her it was something that Whopper said on the internet. She asked who Whopper was and I told her that he was a psychiatrist whereupon she said, "you have lost your mind" and then I started laughing again.

Seriously, you have to love Ted Williams. While everyone is grieving this weekend over the horrendous shootings in Arizona, just the mention of Ted Williams brings a sense of hope to all of us. His story of redemption is uniquely American, I absolutely love this man.