spelling mistake on AMCAS

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Nov 3, 2007
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So I just realized I made a typo on my AMCAS experience description. Under experience name, I typed "mean's" instead of "men's". Is this bad? I'm pretty worried now.

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Don't sweat it. I realized I made a few spelling/grammatical errors on my AMCAS, but it hasn't seemed to be a big deal.
So I just realized I made a typo on my AMCAS experience description. Under experience name, I typed "mean's" instead of "men's". Is this bad? I'm pretty worried now.

There's nothing you can do about it now. I honestly think about 99% of people probably have at least one mistake in their application, so I wouldn't worry about. I would guess that as long as the admissions committee can decipher what it is from the description you would be in good shape. :luck: