Stages of Application Status

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Full Member
Sep 5, 2018
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Good morning,

Does anyone know what the stages of application status' are? (In progress, verified, received, etc.) Some of my applications say verified while others say received and I was wondering if verified means they've already been sent out to schools. Thanks in advance for your help.

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received should mean that all material has been received while verified means that your grades and such have been verified and are correct.
Does each application submitted have to go through the 2-4 week verification process? Or does it just take longest for the first one submitted to be verified and then each one after verification is sent soon after submission?
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Does each application submitted have to go through the 2-4 week verification process? Or does it just take longest for the first one submitted to be verified and then each one after verification is sent soon after submission?
i think it varies. Some of mine took a couple of days while another one took hours for it to get verified.
Does each application submitted have to go through the 2-4 week verification process? Or does it just take longest for the first one submitted to be verified and then each one after verification is sent soon after submission?
It depends on how early you send it. I did ED and had submitted my application on July 20th and was verified by July 25th. Others, however, did not hear back for 2-5 weeks. So I think it varies depending on how early you submit and how many other applicants are submitting at the same time you are.