Started radiology, looking to switch into psych

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Jul 30, 2013
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Started radiology and discovered I don't like it at all. Felt more in tune with psychiatry during med school, looking for a switch.

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Get some mentors in both fields asap.

Also, it's not illegal to be a productive member of society, get paid well, and enjoy life. Not everyone has to have a "passion" for thier income source.

Unless you have a passion for not being replaced by software in the next ten years. Then maybe jumping ship on radiology is to be considered.
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Welcome to the club.

This is why you don't advise as a medical student. Back when I was in your shoes you told me it's wayyy too early to make a switch. Why don't you tell yourself the same?

Meanwhile, I gave you good advice telling you to go into psych, I wish you listened.
Started radiology and discovered I don't like it at all. Felt more in tune with psychiatry during med school, looking for a switch.
Do you not like the field or are you just having a tough time? There is a distinction to be made there, rads is notoriously difficult to get a feel for when you're first starting.