Starting LGBT group within professional society

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yzarc gniog ylwolS
15+ Year Member
Apr 25, 2005
Reaction score

I am trying to start an LGBT(QIA) group within my specialty's national professional society and I was wondering if anyone had any advice for how to go about this.

I talked to someone higher up in my society and she wanted me to:
1) identify interested people
2) identify goals from talking with interested parties - she also gave me a few contacts.
3) only once I had done those things and could come back to her about it could we discuss more
4) she also suggested maybe starting as a "clinical interested group" akin to "ophthalmic genetics interest group"

To be honest, I was a little surprised we didn't have an LGBT subgroup. I wanted to show LGBT med students and members that we are welcoming and that they have a safe space and maybe also do educational opportunities/activities for currently practitioners. I also was surprised they hadn't thought of starting one or that it would have to start as a "clinical INTEREST group". I don't think this is an "interest group". We aren't interested it's like we are what we are.... They do have a minorities in ophthalmology group, but I don't feel it's the same as LGBTQIA, the individuals in that group are predominantly racial minorities and I don't want to take away from their experience.

Anyone have any resources or advice for me?


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Affinity group? My college's LGBTQ+ office didn't feel okay to call it a club and suggested to use this term instead.