LGBTQ-focused Research, Community Volunteering, Student Clubs, and other opportunities in Medical Schools

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2+ Year Member
Oct 28, 2019
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Hello folks,

I am in the process of applying to medical schools. Opportunities focused on LGBTQ-health in medical schools are very important for me in making a decision. In the past, I have conducted public health research with sexual and gender minorities. I also volunteered in a clinical setting doing HIV/STI testing and counseling, as well as in organizing HIV/AIDS fundraisers. I would love to expand on my experiences in medical school, so I am starting this thread. I am more interested in hearing from current medical students about their involvement with the LGBTQ community in their schools and what opportunities the schools offer. However, please feel free to respond if you are a pre-med and have knowledge about what's going on. It would be helpful if you can put the name of the medical school at the beginning of the post. It would also be helpful to hear if there are any LGBTQ-focused content or electives in the curriculum.


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Harvard Medical School (HMS) - HMS has an LGBT Office that focuses on developing resources and programmatic interventions on LGBT issues. Its student group is called LAHMS (the lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, nonbinary, and queer student club). It also has a relatively new program called Sexual and Gender Minorities Health Equality Initiative through which it is trying to improve LGBT content in its MD curriculum. HMS also collaborates highly with a federally qualified health center in the area, Fenway Health, which has a focus on improving the and wellbeing of the population.
Baylor College of Medicine has an LGBTQ+ elective for 2nd year students. A number of students do service learning projects at the Montrose Center, Houston's LGBTQ+ community center and behavioral health center.