Starting Point - ECE and DENTPIN

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Aug 1, 2018
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I joined the forum recently. By all means a great forum. Grateful to all of you for contributing to this scale. One day, I shall too contribute positively.

I am currently doing my one year Internship that forms the final year of the 5 year BDS Program in India and now collating all information to appear in NBDE Part 1. I have two queries and need your advice.

1. ECE of the Transcripts are not required at this point and all I need to do is - 1) Register for DENTPIN and 2) get the 'Certification of Eligibility' signed by the Dean. If this is correct, I can proceed and write NBDE Part 1 on the basis of the 'Certification of Eligibility' signed by the Dean without an ECE.

2. While registering the DENTPIN, the format for Phone requires to be within 10 digit which is not going to be same everywhere. Any idea how to overcome!

Many thanks and looking forward to your assistance.

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  • nbde01_certification_eligibility.pdf
    30.5 KB · Views: 113
First of all figure out, if you are eligible to study in the USA legally and how you are going to pay for your education. A lot of people every year are admitted and fail to obtain student visa or a loan
If you are not sure about your particular situation, contact ECE customer service - they are very polite and helpful. Rules change every year and information on this forum could be outdated
In regards to a phone - just put your last 10 digits. They are not going to call you anyway
First of all figure out, if you are eligible to study in the USA legally and how you are going to pay for your education. A lot of people every year are admitted and fail to obtain student visa or a loan
If you are not sure about your particular situation, contact ECE customer service - they are very polite and helpful. Rules change every year and information on this forum could be outdated
In regards to a phone - just put your last 10 digits. They are not going to call you anyway

Many thanks oralcare123. I will contact ECE. Practical inputs.

Let me put my best. Quite rightly finance is key. Many thanks for the early advice as I see them in many many impressive threads.

Thanks again.
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Need help from anyone applying for NBDE Part 1. Have the rules changed for dental students applying for the part 1 that mandates ECE report along with Certification of Eligibility form? I called up the office of JCNDE at Chicago. They advised me to get an ECE report as well!

Please advise.
Do what you are told. Like I said, rules change all the time - thanks to all who try to fool the system
Do what you are told. Like I said, rules change all the time - thanks to all who try to fool the system


Thank you.

Surely many are writing in months ahead and look forward to them confirming the same.
Hello I have question regarding ECE form

I am done with my BDS from India now want to do ECE evolution then what is the purpose of evolution education or licensure??
And i have completed bachelors degree so I am graduate or undergraduate?
Hello I have question regarding ECE form

I am done with my BDS from India now want to do ECE evolution then what is the purpose of evolution education or licensure??
And i have completed bachelors degree so I am graduate or undergraduate?

I am not sure if this answers your question but the ECE Evaluation is a mandatory process when you apply for DDS or any other program in US for foreign trained dentists. As regards your other query, you are an 'undergraduate' if you have not completed your degree. Hope this helps.