Starting Post Bacc a few months before June Applications

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Jun 20, 2016
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I have a GPA of 3.4 and have not written my DAT's yet. I need core and upper science prerequisite courses from a US accredited university as I completed my undergrad internationally. I was planning on taking a post-bacc to raise my gpa and take those courses, however the soonest i can start is spring of 2017, and i plan on applying to schools in june 2017. Will most schools be okay with me completing the post-bacc before matriculation and still review my application, or should I apply after I complete the postbacc.

Also, is a post bacc from a community college looked down upon? One such as Meredith College in NC?

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I could be wrong, but you may have to push your application back a year. It would be difficult for admissions to gauge you if you have not taken any prerequisites when you apply. I recommend working on your postbacc, then take your DAT when the material is still fresh, and apply June 2018.
If you apply in 2017, you may end up throwing away a lot of money.
I have a GPA of 3.4 and have not written my DAT's yet. I need core and upper science prerequisite courses from a US accredited university as I completed my undergrad internationally. I was planning on taking a post-bacc to raise my gpa and take those courses, however the soonest i can start is spring of 2017, and i plan on applying to schools in june 2017. Will most schools be okay with me completing the post-bacc before matriculation and still review my application, or should I apply after I complete the postbacc.

Also, is a post bacc from a community college looked down upon? One such as Meredith College in NC?

Meredith college is not a community college, it's just a small private college. If you are going/wanting to be in NC check out the post bac at UNC Greensboro
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Meredith college is not a community college, it's just a small private college. If you are going/wanting to be in NC check out the post bac at UNC Greensboro
I'm doing my post bac thru UNCG. A better option would be post bac thru ECU since they have a dental school there. I wanted to be close to my family
I'm doing my post bac thru UNCG. A better option would be post bac thru ECU since they have a dental school there. I wanted to be close to my family

Word, I didn't know ECU had one. I also just remembered that chapel hill is starting to offer a post bacc too! I just finished at UNCG, good experience overall.
Yea, either ECU or here at UNCG. Again, taking the post bac at ECU gives you a foot in the door already