Stats of Accepted CCOM Students C/O2009

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10+ Year Member
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Oct 18, 2004
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I was wondering if those of you who have been accepted to CCOM were willing to share your mcats and gpa? Also, how long did it take to notify of an acceptance after interview?

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bigbody said:
I was wondering if those of you who have been accepted to CCOM were willing to share your mcats and gpa? Also, how long did it take to notify of an acceptance after interview?

3 weeks
Undergrad 3.54/3.39
Graduate (Ph.D candidate) 3.54
About 4 weeks since I interviewed first week of October, and they seem to meet once at the end of month.
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4 weeks to find out. I also have worked as a biochemist for two years.
Biomedical Engineering
1.5 weeks by telephone

I have been out of school for a few years working as an engineer
Emergency Room Tech
about 3 weeks
dr.z said:
Undergrad 3.54/3.39
Graduate (Ph.D candidate) 3.54
About 4 weeks since I interviewed first week of October, and they seem to meet once at the end of month.

Hey Dr. Z.
Were you there on Oct. 4th, I think it was a wednesday? I also interviewed the first week of October.

Volunteer work, 2 years Undergrad Research Assistant (2 publications, 2 pending), Club sport Athlete (Assistant Captain + President)

The committee meets once a month I believe (they called 11/19, mailing arrived 12/6)
3.3/3.1 Biological Sciences
1.5 wks by phone

Have been working as a Paramedic for 4 years (7 years total EMS exp.)
can you tell me about how long after your apps were complete that CCOM notified you guys of an interview?
javandane said:
can you tell me about how long after your apps were complete that CCOM notified you guys of an interview?

Around July I got my secondary and end of september I got my invitation for interview for the first week of october.
Hey Bigbody, hope you make it in! Are you pre or post interview?

My file was completed around 11/8; received invite about two weeks later and set date for 12/7; notified of acceptance via phone message on 12/17 (just 10 days due to their push on adcom pre-holidays!); received matriculation package in mail after Christmas; 1st deposit of $250 due 1/21 and 2nd deposit of $750 due 2/18.

My stats:
*** 3.91 science; 3.71 overall
*** best of two mcat scores was 26S, with high sub scores 10P/10V/8B
(still not certain which way they look at this)
*** non-trad, married w/kids, 15 yrs case manager for autistic son and currently private tutor of undergrad science/math, 13+ years previous work experience in medically related fields

Hope this info helps you and others who are hoping for good news from CCOM. It seems like a great place to study medicine. I like everything I saw & heard except for the twice weekly exam schedule (7:30 am M & F) and the loooong daily hours in lecture. Most likely will matriculate at CCOM, but still not certain how I feel about these aspects of the curriculum.
Good luck!
3 weeks
science : 3.3
Overall: 3.4

It took over a month after I sent in my secondary to hear from them. They lost my LOR the first time so I had to resend them (only after calling them). After my interview it took less then 2 weeks, and I heard via phone call.
I think I was one of the ones that interviewed you. Was your husband a lawyer?

I can answer your questions and concerns about the curriculum. It's really not that bad. We don't have exams every two weeks. I recall during my first year we sometimes went 4 weeks or more without anything. You'll have plenty of time for your kid.

anyone know when the adcom meeting is for this month? has it passed already??
Grad 3.95

Three weeks
It seems to generally occur towards the end of the month.
I'm a student on the admin committee, I do the interviews.

At CCOM it's not about your stats. If you get an interview, your stats are fine. Just focus on talking and being yourself. We want personalities not statistics. I know its hard to believe, but we score the interviewees based on personality and character, not numbers. The interview is the end-all be-all of the process. The 3 people that interview you basically grade you in a number of different categories and based on how they normally grade applicants you get a score. Teh admin committee then meets and decides.

Good luck!