Step 2 date?

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15+ Year Member
Oct 26, 2008
Reaction score
So im scheduled to take Step 2 CK in LATE november. I'm guessing any program that wont invite me due to my lack of step 2 ck score wont be inviting anyway even if i take it now since its pretty late. However, my November is filling up with some interviews and I'm worried i wont have time to study during that 3 weeks off so I'm thinking of pushing it to December. If i take it during first week of December, scores should be out before they rank me i assume? So does it really matter when Step 2 CK is taken? [From what I hear most interview invites finish going out by end of October for Anesthesiology, so I am ASSUMING Steps taken in October and later wont matter until ranking]

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You need to look into the programs you are apply to and see if they require a step 2 score to rank. Then make sure that you are giving it enough time from when you take step 2 to have it scored and sent to the programs (if they require it). Since the list is due 2/25, I would just work backwards. You want 5 business days for processing and probably 8 weeks for scoring just to be on the safe side. That being said, I don't recommend cutting it close to the deadline.
You need to look into the programs you are apply to and see if they require a step 2 score to rank. Then make sure that you are giving it enough time from when you take step 2 to have it scored and sent to the programs (if they require it). Since the list is due 2/25, I would just work backwards. You want 5 business days for processing and probably 8 weeks for scoring just to be on the safe side. That being said, I don't recommend cutting it close to the deadline.

8 weeks?!!!!!! wow.