Step score versus research experience vs no home residency program

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Aug 31, 2006
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Hi. I scored 213 on Step 1. I have a MSc in Biomedical Engineering from Duke, and 6 publications, all cancer related. I am going to do my best on Step 2, but I don't know how I'll fare. My medical school does not have a Rad Onc residency program, just a department of Rad Onc.

I saw that 10 US Seniors were accepted out of ~160 applicants last year with Step 1 scores in my range, but I have no idea of their research experience, pubs, etc.

Is there anyone out there who can speak with authority on this matter as to how difficult it would be for me to match? Definitely should apply to 50+ programs? Any advice? thanks.

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People who have average to slightly below average Step I scores can, as you saw, still get into the field. Usually it is for one of three reasons (not mutually exclusive):

1) Research - a lot of it and high quality
2) Life experience - you are perhaps older and/or overcame adversity and/or participated in something major
3) Known quantity - you rotated in the department and they really liked you

My gut feeling tells me that you will probably not have a shot in the so-called "top" programs. However there are many, many programs that would probably love to have you. I would pick a few mid-tier programs that you were interested in and try to rotate in as many as you can. Also, try to rotate in a big name place to get a good letter of recommendation.

Apply broadly. 50+ programs may seem like overkill but, if you are serious about the field it is usually best to throw a wide net.