Studying for the DAT In One/two Month?

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Khloe L.

Full Member
Nov 26, 2018
Reaction score
Has anyone studied for the DAT in a month?
I'm thinking about taking mine in the beginning of February but I won't have much time to study before my winter break. However once I start studying, I can dedicate 12 hours daily since I'm going to quit work to focus on studying.

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Plenty of people do that. I know several people who only used our winter gap between semesters and got fine scores. It just depends how confident you are at the end of your month. If you aren’t you can postpone it.
I studied 7-10 hours a day from the beginning of June to when I took the test mid July; while taking a 3 credit hour course. I think consistently studying 12 hours a day will burn you out, and when studying that long only ~8 hours is effective studying. With the 6 weeks I studied using DAT bootcamp I scored 21 AA 21 TS 23 PAT. If I had spent more time studying I'm confident that I could have done better. I would set the date with full intent of taking your test so that you're forced to study and if your practice scores aren't what you want them to be, you can change the test date as long as its two days before. It's definitely doable if you stick to a schedule and if you are good at being a zombie and working your ass off go for it! But even then I'd be cautious of burning yourself out if you're dedicating that much time. Best of luck in what ever you end up doing!