Studying with BRS?

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Do ya'all study for your basic sciences with BRS? There's absolutely no time for me to go through textbooks (unless I really, really need clarification), and I've found generally that our syllab. folllow BRS to the tooth! Plus I figure this is a good chance to go through these books before USMLE in a year or so.

I just started doing this this past semester (using lec notes side by side with BRS) and I've found its helped me tremendously. Thoughts?

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Do ya'all study for your basic sciences with BRS? There's absolutely no time for me to go through textbooks (unless I really, really need clarification), and I've found generally that our syllab. folllow BRS to the tooth! Plus I figure this is a good chance to go through these books before USMLE in a year or so.

I just started doing this this past semester (using lec notes side by side with BRS) and I've found its helped me tremendously. Thoughts?

I think it depends on your goals... my goal was to learn the material as fully as possible, without thinking about tests, exams, USMLE, etc. so I read textbooks. I'm not a complete idiot, so I supplanted with BRS every now and then and hardcore for a week before exams, and it helped me, as it picked up the salient points. I would say my retention is better because I read from textbooks initially, then moved on to review books... I don't think it would be easy for me to learn straight up from lecture notes / BRS.
"Mesocompound," awesome name!

My only BRS experience is with Gross Anatomy because my prof is the author of it. Most of us just tried to memorize all of the stuff in there for our exams, but some used Moore's too. I've thumbed through the other BRS books, but I can't say I'm a fan. I like the High Yield format better, but some like the questions in BRS.

A little bit will depend on your background and how well they cover the material in your classes. Most of the time, our classes come with packets that have most of the stuff in them making books obsolete for people who've had enough background to know most of the concepts.