Submitting AMCAS application before taking the MCAT

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Jan 1, 2017
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I am currently finishing some postbacc courses (5) to help boost my GPA and was planning on submitting my application through AMCAS on June 6th. I have not yet taken the MCAT since I was taking courses for the past several years non-stop. Originally, I was planning on submitting my application and then taking the MCAT during the summer and submitting my score around August. However, I now realize that it may be risky since schools won't seriously consider my application until the scores are in. Therefore, I am considering dropping some of my course work and focusing on MCAT studying to take the test in early May. I would love to hear feedback/advice about whether that is a smart move since I would still have to take three courses while studying for the MCAT and write final exams around the time of my test date. Thank you!

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it's not very competitive (around 3.6, science GPA slightly higher), which is why I'm hoping and working towards a great score on the MCAT to make up for it.
Your GPAs are fine! I would focus on the MCAT. Studying for finals while simultaneously studying for the MCAT will be tough, have you considered an early June date? You'll have scores back by July. You can submit an app without an MCAT score...just make sure to apply to one throwaway school and add the rest when scores are released.
Im a postbacc in a similar predicament. I'm doing he same strategy- one school for both DO and AMCAS and then attach the rest of school once my score comes back.

I'm taking mid June MCAT and I'll have my score mid July. It'll take 2-4 weeks to verify amcas so from an MD perspective, I'm submitting a score less than a month (at most) from the time I'd be verified anyway. Not optimal but with trying to squeeze most of a career switching post bacc and all ECs into a single school year while working, I'll take it to make sure I'm prepared for test day.

I will probably try to have several lists of schools, arranged by MCAT score, to add to my app immediately when my score posts, that way I'm not delaying any extra.

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