Submitting PASS application As fast as possible?

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7+ Year Member
Mar 10, 2016
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I am planning to apply to Endodontics residency this spring/summer. I want to have my PASS application submitted as soon as possible when the cycle opens. I have informed my recommenders about my application. I completed the ADAT a month ago, I have a personal statement and CV ready.

Anyone have any advice on how to get everything completed as soon as possible. Anything I can do between now and May 15th? I am a bit unsure about the process of submitting the recommendations, do my recommenders just receive a notification via email, and they go through the process themselves?


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Once you submit a recommendation request on the PASS website, they will receive an email with a link to complete the evaluation on the PASS website.
Once you submit a recommendation request on the PASS website, they will receive an email with a link to complete the evaluation on the PASS website.

Ok perfect. And as far as the formatting goes, is there anything I need to let my recommenders know of? Is it basically a text, in which the recommender submits their text? Any character limits?

Thank you!
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I don’t know about character limits. I believe they can upload a document, although I’m not 100 percent sure (I’ve never submitted one, only requested)
There is a fairly long checklist of questions that the recommender must answer on a scale of 1-5 or n/a. There is also a part at the end where the recommender will be able to either upload a LOR or write one directly into the box. Make sure you notify whomever you are sending it to that they should look for it, and you would appreciate a timely input.
Visit the programs in the meantime. Some facetime with the PD can help. You will also be able to speak with current residents and learn more about the day to day and research aspects of the programs.