Summer plans

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20+ Year Member
Oct 16, 2002
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Hi all. Thanks for the replies everyone has given on my various posts...

I am trying to figure what I'm giong to do with my summer. I know we can't do rotations since we'll only be MSIIs, but I'd like to do something clinical at another university to try out new things and establish connections. I wouldn't mind going to USCF, but I really don't know what to do. Any guidance? Thanks.

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You can do research at UCSF and shadow a physician part time. Maybe ask the physician if he/she will let you practice your interviewing/physical exam skils. If you don't have any physical exam skills don't worry, you can just practice by taking a history and presenting patients to your attending. I wouldn't recc shadowing a doc if all he/she lets you do is follow him/her around all day as that is boring and you usually don't get much out of that. You can follow them around the first couple of days, but you should ask to be sent out by yourself too.