SUNY Buffalo Class of 2027 Interview/Acceptance Thread

Same.I am OOS and applied mid-end of July.

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Has anyone applied in August?
My app was complete mid August and haven't heard anything yet 🙁

I submitted my application first week of August and I haven’t heard anything
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I spoke with admissions a few days ago and they said that they don't fill their class in December and that they continue interviewing until February.
Interview #2
Notification date: 10/18
Method of notification: Email
Residency: IS
AADSAS mail-out date: 7/14
GPA (science, overall): 3.39 sGPA, 3.71 oGPA
DAT (AA/TS/PAT/Reading/any section below a 17): 21AA, 22TS, 23PAT, 20RC
Dates available OR your interview date: 11/1
Method of interview: In-person only
Interview #2
Notification date: 10/18
Method of notification: Email
Residency: IS
AADSAS mail-out date: 7/14
GPA (science, overall): 3.39 sGPA, 3.71 oGPA
DAT (AA/TS/PAT/Reading/any section below a 17): 21AA, 22TS, 23PAT, 20RC
Dates available OR your interview date: 11/1
Method of interview: In-person only
Did you send them a letter of interest?
Interview #3
Notification date: 10/27
Method of notification: Email
Residency: OOS
AADSAS mail-out date:
Early june
GPA (science, overall): 3.79 sGPA, 3.88 oGPA
DAT (AA/TS/PAT/Reading/any section below a 17): 24 AA, 23 TS, 22 PAT, 24 RC
Dates available OR your interview date: 11/16, 12/2, 12/5
Method of interview: In-person
I submitted first week of august and I haven’t heard anything
imagine how july feel
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People that have interviewed -- have you been asked about your COVID vaccination status?
I have never been directly asked in an interview about my vaccination status. However, for most if not all in-person interviews you are expected to be vaccinated. Some schools ask for copies of your vaccine card, some also specifically require the booster as well. Schools will send an email if they require your vaccination status.
wonder how many people are accepted off the WL every year, getting nervous
How many post-December interviews do they have? Since their application cycle will close in February, I assume they may have interview spots until march?
How many post-December interviews do they have? Since their application cycle will close in February, I assume they may have interview spots until march?
I think they interview every Monday until end of February. It ends in February according to previous threads.
I called them today and they said they are still conducting interviews
what percentage of interviewees get accepted?

they interviewed 236 applicants in 2021 and 160 offers were made so around 68% this all includes people waitlisted etc etc according to the ADEA guide.

Edit: keep in mind this also includes people who were probably waitlisted and turned down their spot on the waitlist.
they interviewed 236 applicants in 2021 and 160 offers were made so around 68% this all includes people waitlisted etc etc according to the ADEA guide.

Edit: keep in mind this also includes people who were probably waitlisted and turned down their spot on the waitlist.
thanks so much! where were you able to find this information?