Switch out of fellowship physician-scientist track?

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Mar 21, 2008
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I would really appreciate people's input on whether it is possible to switch out of a physician scientist track in cardiology fellowship (4 year, spot taken outside the match) into a regular 3 year training. I am now realizing that while I still want to have an academic career, my passion is in clinical teaching and not in the lab. But I do not know how to approach my program leadership about this. It's going to be an uncomfortable discussion for them to hear but I'd like to think that these things do happen and that programs have their fellows' best interest at heart.

Thanks for any advice especially if you or someone you know has been in this situation...

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It happens...a lot. Assuming that you did the standard PSTP (2IM + 4 Fellowship) track, you will need to complete 4 years of clinical cardiology, or go back and do a PGY3 IM year, as you will need all 6 years in order to be BE for IM and Cards.

I've personally seen 2 people do this in cards (which is why the cards program at my residency hospital no longer takes PSTPs) and 3 do it in Hem/Onc.

Honestly, your fellowship program probably won't be that upset since they're going to get 2 extra full clinical years out of you.
Thank you... I finished 3 years of IM and now entered a 4 year academic track cardiology fellowship (2 research initially + 2 clinical). I just don't want to disappoint them because I'm the one who took their outside match offer.
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Keep in mind that your program probably does not have an ACGME spot for you in PGY 4. so even if you tell them you want to do 3 yr clinical, they may not be able to put you into an ACGME PGY4 spot.
Usually if they have a 4 yr academic track, the 1st yr is research, and not part of ACGME year, and then the next year when you have completed the research year, they will reserve one of the ACGME year position for you, and out of the match.
Thank you... I finished 3 years of IM and now entered a 4 year academic track cardiology fellowship (2 research initially + 2 clinical). I just don't want to disappoint them because I'm the one who took their outside match offer.

How is your fellowship set up. A lot of cards fellowships are set up in a way that you actually do the research component prior to the clinical training. SO even if you change your mind there might not be clinical spot for you in the coming July. Am sure they discussed the structure of the 2+2 track with you. If the research component is at the end of clinical training then I assume they can let you leave after three years clinical work
I would really appreciate people's input on whether it is possible to switch out of a physician scientist track in cardiology fellowship (4 year, spot taken outside the match) into a regular 3 year training. I am now realizing that while I still want to have an academic career, my passion is in clinical teaching and not in the lab. But I do not know how to approach my program leadership about this. It's going to be an uncomfortable discussion for them to hear but I'd like to think that these things do happen and that programs have their fellows' best interest at heart.

Thanks for any advice especially if you or someone you know has been in this situation...

It happens often. Just when you approach your program make sure you demonstrate you've thought long and hard about this and your rationale for why. They will usually support you as long as there is a clinically funded spot available to you.
Happens all the time. Are you on a T32?