Tablet plus laptop?

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Do those of you who use an iPad pro for taking notes in school, do you also find the need for using a Mac at home/at the library or is the tablet enough? (Ps I dont mess with microsoft so dont bring that junk in here)

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I used to not mess with Microsoft, until my $2,000 laptop broke. I got a windows replacement for $400 (higher powered too). Now, I'm all about Windows and probably won't go back. :zip:
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Just a heads up coming from a 3rd year student: it doesn't matter what you take notes on. Too many people worry about what laptop, tablet, and even backpack to get for dental school. It really does not matter.

All I know is that 99% of the dental-specific programs you'll be using in dental school (patient management software like Axium, radiograph software like Schick, etc) run on Windows.
If you can't jump off the mac bandwagon and want to run parallels or bootcamp go for it. If you're in a prosth residency and are taking a catalog of photos of your anterior implant cases with a DSLR and ring flash for your fellowship in the AACD, fine, use a mac.
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Just a heads up coming from a 3rd year student: it doesn't matter what you take notes on. Too many people worry about what laptop, tablet, and even backpack to get for dental school. It really does not matter.

All I know is that 99% of the dental-specific programs you'll be using in dental school (patient management software like Axium, radiograph software like Schick, etc) run on Windows.
If you can't jump off the mac bandwagon and want to run parallels or bootcamp go for it. If you're in a prosth residency and are taking a catalog of photos of your anterior implant cases with a DSLR and ring flash for your fellowship in the AACD, fine, use a mac.
Software availability and price are among the top reasons that I am no longer an apple fanboy. Good riddance to the company who wants to sell you a computer with no ports just so they can charge you for a $50+ dongle.
Just a heads up coming from a 3rd year student: it doesn't matter what you take notes on. Too many people worry about what laptop, tablet, and even backpack to get for dental school. It really does not matter.

All I know is that 99% of the dental-specific programs you'll be using in dental school (patient management software like Axium, radiograph software like Schick, etc) run on Windows.
If you can't jump off the mac bandwagon and want to run parallels or bootcamp go for it. If you're in a prosth residency and are taking a catalog of photos of your anterior implant cases with a DSLR and ring flash for your fellowship in the AACD, fine, use a mac.
Wait what?? Backpack?? Really??
Yeahh.... I'm sorry but a Microsoft Surface is prob the best note taker with onenote that you can get for the money, and it will run all the dental school software as well as all the major dental practice software just fine. You can spend 600 bucks on black friday to get the M3 version and be set.

It's sad that you limit yourself based on a brand, especially one that thrives on overpricing and has stopped innovating since Steve Jobs died. Stop being closed minded, we dont need that in the dental world anywhere where beliefs should be based on science and objectiveness, and not on emotions.
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Yeahh.... I'm sorry but a Microsoft Surface is prob the best note taker with onenote that you can get for the money, and it will run all the dental school software as well as all the major dental practice software just fine. You can spend 600 bucks on black friday to get the M3 version and be set.

It's sad that you limit yourself based on a brand, especially one that thrives on overpricing and has stopped innovating since Steve Jobs died. Stop being closed minded, we dont need that in the dental world anywhere where beliefs should be based on science and objectiveness, and not on emotions.
Oh my, you just demoralized my morality based on the computer that I use
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It's sad that you limit yourself based on a brand, especially one that thrives on overpricing and has stopped innovating since Steve Jobs died.
Yeah exactly. Apple's version of innovating nowadays is taking things away. "Look if we take away the headphone jack, they will need to buy more converters and special headphones from us!". I can't stand the company anymore.
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Yeah exactly. Apple's version of innovating nowadays is taking things away. "Look if we take away the headphone jack, they will need to buy more converters and special headphones from us!". I can't stand the company anymore.
I'm sure everybody was freaking out when Steve Jobs took away the physical keyboard. Now look at us. Plus the headphone jack is damn near 90 years old and still being used on smartphones. The USB port is 20 years old and thicker than oatmeal so they did away with that. Notice how Samsung and Microsoft are following Apple's move on all of these issues. Everybody complains that iPhones and Androids are the same as their predecessor, but freak out when stuff like this happens.
I know many of my classmates used ipad to take notes. Ipad pro/surface pro probably would be better if you really want to hand write on a tablet. But honestly, i found using a laptop and writing on top of pdf files with sticky notes or wordboxes were quicker. You also get a full functionality of a laptop, which isn't the case for ipad (pro). I havn't seen anyone use surface pro in my class so can't comment on that.

In the end, my vote is on laptops. My 4.5 year old macbook air runs the same as it did on my first day of purchase.
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I'm sure everybody was freaking out when Steve Jobs took away the physical keyboard. Now look at us. Plus the headphone jack is damn near 90 years old and still being used on smartphones. The USB port is 20 years old and thicker than oatmeal so they did away with that. Notice how Samsung and Microsoft are following Apple's move on all of these issues. Everybody complains that iPhones and Androids are the same as their predecessor, but freak out when stuff like this happens.

Nah but in all honesty apple has actually copied a lot of things from Samsung, including pull down menus and other things. Microsoft isn't copying apple either. They keep their ports, USB, headphone, hdmi, eithernet, SD card slot, nobody is copying apple by taking things away. That would be a huge step in the wrong direction.
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Nah but in all honesty apple has actually copied a lot of things from Samsung, including pull down menus and other things. Microsoft isn't copying apple either. They keep their ports, USB headphone, hdmi, eithernet, SD card slot, nobody is copying apple by taking things away. That would be a huge step in the wrong direction.
Okay sooooooo is a tablet enough or should I count on keeping my laptop too?
Okay sooooooo is a tablet enough or should I count on keeping my laptop too?
Don't waste your money on a tablet, just use your laptop. You're going to be printing lots of notes too, the old fashioned way. With a real highlighter . Use the money you would've spent on a tablet and put it towards better loupes.

Yeahh.... I'm sorry but a Microsoft Surface is prob the best note taker with onenote that you can get for the money, and it will run all the dental school software as well as all the major dental practice software just fine. You can spend 600 bucks on black friday to get the M3 version and be set.

It's sad that you limit yourself based on a brand, especially one that thrives on overpricing and has stopped innovating since Steve Jobs died. Stop being closed minded, we dont need that in the dental world anywhere where beliefs should be based on science and objectiveness, and not on emotions.

You realize that your last sentence completely contradicts your entire statement, right? Your opinion would've been enough, no need to be judgemental.

You can do just fine with your laptop and a pad of paper, enough is subjective

This, I can't argue with.
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