Taking last of pre-req in the summer while applying

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Sep 14, 2009
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I need to take the last of my Physics (the last of my pre-reqs) this summer and will be done by the beginning of July this year. I also plan to apply this June. Will this last class pose any problems regarding the reading of my application? In other words, do we have to have all classes done before we apply?

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I need to take the last of my Physics (the last of my pre-reqs) this summer and will be done by the beginning of July this year. I also plan to apply this June. Will this last class pose any problems regarding the reading of my application? In other words, do we have to have all classes done before we apply?
The typical deadline for completion of prereqs is matriculation. Each school owns its own policy, so read the fine print.

Physics, however, is a pretty tough subject to take late, given the content on the MCAT. FYI a late MCAT means you have a late application - schools won't process you until all your scores are available.

If you have the time this spring to study ahead on physics, then sure, plenty of people take the MCAT before they finish coursework. Just don't assume you'll do fine on the test without your fair share of preparation.

Best of luck to you.
It should not cause any problems with your application, but it may make your MCAT more difficult...