Taking SAT's in November

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Mar 15, 2008
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Due to some unfortunate circumstances last year (my junior year) I was unable to take my SAT's in neither May nor June. I'm signed up to take my SAT's in October and November. I heard from a few friends at school that if you don't have your SAT's done by November, you won't hear back from colleges until almost summer. Taking the SAT's in October will not be an issue, but will taking them in the beginning of November be a problem? I won't get my scores back until the end of November. Will that really alter the college's admission office's decision on whether or not to accept me? I'm going to send in my college applications within the next month and then the SAT scores from October will be sent. I'm doing Early Action for most of my applications which is supposed to give me a quick admissions response. What I'm wondering is whether or not it is worth it to take the SAT's in November? I did pay for it, but I didn't know about colleges not responding to you until late spring until after I paid and got registered. If it's not worth it, I just won't take it. It will be a waste of money, yes, but at least I won't waste several hours taking a test that doesn't matter all that much. So I'm wondering: should I go and take it because it will be considered with my application, or should I not take it because colleges will already have made a decision?

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Due to some unfortunate circumstances last year (my junior year) I was unable to take my SAT's in neither May nor June. I'm signed up to take my SAT's in October and November. I heard from a few friends at school that if you don't have your SAT's done by November, you won't hear back from colleges until almost summer. Taking the SAT's in October will not be an issue, but will taking them in the beginning of November be a problem? I won't get my scores back until the end of November. Will that really alter the college's admission office's decision on whether or not to accept me? I'm going to send in my college applications within the next month and then the SAT scores from October will be sent. I'm doing Early Action for most of my applications which is supposed to give me a quick admissions response. What I'm wondering is whether or not it is worth it to take the SAT's in November? I did pay for it, but I didn't know about colleges not responding to you until late spring until after I paid and got registered. If it's not worth it, I just won't take it. It will be a waste of money, yes, but at least I won't waste several hours taking a test that doesn't matter all that much. So I'm wondering: should I go and take it because it will be considered with my application, or should I not take it because colleges will already have made a decision?

I'm not too sure about whether the Early Action applications have this too, but I believe many colleges' applications have a spot where you can mark the date where you plan to take the test and have the scores sent directly to them.

Also, are you completely set on applying early action? I know that if you apply for regular decision, your November scores will definately be fine time-wise. I would say go ahead and take them, because what if you decide to apply to other schools for regular admission, or what if the Early Action plan doesn't work out?
Due to some unfortunate circumstances last year (my junior year) I was unable to take my SAT's in neither May nor June. I'm signed up to take my SAT's in October and November. I heard from a few friends at school that if you don't have your SAT's done by November, you won't hear back from colleges until almost summer. Taking the SAT's in October will not be an issue, but will taking them in the beginning of November be a problem? I won't get my scores back until the end of November. Will that really alter the college's admission office's decision on whether or not to accept me? I'm going to send in my college applications within the next month and then the SAT scores from October will be sent. I'm doing Early Action for most of my applications which is supposed to give me a quick admissions response. What I'm wondering is whether or not it is worth it to take the SAT's in November? I did pay for it, but I didn't know about colleges not responding to you until late spring until after I paid and got registered. If it's not worth it, I just won't take it. It will be a waste of money, yes, but at least I won't waste several hours taking a test that doesn't matter all that much. So I'm wondering: should I go and take it because it will be considered with my application, or should I not take it because colleges will already have made a decision?

You should be fine. A lot of deadlines are due much later than November 1st, and if for some reason a school has a deadline before you get your scores back, you can just say that you have scores yet to be sent. I am taking the SAT in November so I chose to have my scores sent to the 4 schools I am applying too.