Tech v UTMB

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7+ Year Member
May 25, 2016
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So, I pre-matched at UTMB, but I am struggling with whether I should rank TTU above or below (McGovern, TTU, and UTMB are my top three; McGovern - no pre-match - is my #1). I know the schools are very different in terms of location, but I am just wondering if there are any aspects of either school that I am missing but should be considering. I noticed UTMB is unranked -- are they comparable in terms of tier?

My dad's entire family is in Lubbock, so I am quite familiar with the area, though I grew up in Dallas and am not a fan of the desert, lol. While I would love to grow closer to that side of my family, I have lived away for all of my life, so it isn't a huge factor in my decision (my immediate family will still be in Dallas). The cost of each school is pretty comparable, and both have P/F pre-clinicals. Both also have departments/programs in integrative medicine, which is a primary interest of mine.

I have never been to UTMB's campus or Galveston Island (and will be unable to before the match), so I am unsure of my attitude concerning the school's setting, but I am wondering what the general attitudes are toward each school. Most of my research experiences in undergrad have been centered around derm and integrative medicine, so I am looking to get involved in related research during medical school.

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Hello! Have been to Galveston many times growing up. I will just add some insight into the area for you. Galveston does have its charm but visiting and living are two different things. In my experience it is a bit of a food desert, not that many options to do groceries compared to a city like Lubbock unless you leave the Island. There are things to do because it’s a popular vacation spot for Houstonians, but lower your expectations of the beach. You’re also going to be 1 hr from downtown Houston where there are plenty of things to do/groceries during breaks and weekends. And Houston is closer to other cities than Lubbock.

I have a friend at UTMB who loves her school and has made amazing friends, the location does not matter to her as much because the pros outweigh the cons. If you can I recommend flying or driving down to see the area and the school so you can get a feel for it!