DAT Test Prep Week Raffle: Win a free DAT 4-book set from Gold Standard!

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Win the DAT 4-book set developed by the Gold Standard DAT team of authors and editors with academic degrees in dentistry, medicine and the arts as well as Ivy League dental students with exceptional DAT scores (AA: 27).

Our DAT books cover the most essential subjects and topics tackled in the real DAT exam as well as strategies on how to approach the test questions efficiently. This 4-book set also gives you access to 2 online full-length practice tests, additional practice questions (that’s over 3000 practice questions in the book and online combined!) and access to our online science videos - AT NO EXTRA CHARGE.

All you need to do to get a chance to own these DAT preparation books is answer the following question: How many full-length tests are you planning to take before the exam and why? 1 winner will be selected. Post your comments between 18-22 September 2017.

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I hope to take as many full-length tests as possible before the exam, both to ensure that I have a good sense of the content that will be tested and that I have the timing down for the actual DAT. It's a high stakes exam, and our scores will stay with us, so I feel that we should do everything we can to do well.
I plan to take 12 full tests, to fully prepare me to achieve the best score as possible. I really want a 30 on biology, and 28's on GC and OC. Help me attain this pleaseeeee!!!!!!!!!!!
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I am aiming for 10 practice tests but if I can fit more then great. I am taking this many because I really need to get the timing down in order to answer all the questions and have enough time to review questions I am not sure about. Taking timed full-length tests while knowing/understanding the information is key.
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