"So, what does your wife do?"
I'm a fourth year medical student. While getting the question from residents, attendings and other students isn't going to be a problem much longer because I'll be rooted in one program with a stable set of coworkers, it still comes up from time to time with patients.
I get that SSM is still a new thing, and I truly appreciate those people who are trying to be neutral who ask "spouse," but the best I'm able to muster is a meek "Um, I actually have a husband." I'm totally willing to be out, because if programs don't want an openly-gay resident, that's not a place I want to be anyway. But I HATE that I'm forced to do it that way.
I'm a fourth year medical student. While getting the question from residents, attendings and other students isn't going to be a problem much longer because I'll be rooted in one program with a stable set of coworkers, it still comes up from time to time with patients.
I get that SSM is still a new thing, and I truly appreciate those people who are trying to be neutral who ask "spouse," but the best I'm able to muster is a meek "Um, I actually have a husband." I'm totally willing to be out, because if programs don't want an openly-gay resident, that's not a place I want to be anyway. But I HATE that I'm forced to do it that way.