They had it up on the website by the application information. Now it seems like they've removed it. Have you heard back yet?
Where did you see that on the website? They said about a week and a maximum of two weeks at the June 1st interview date.
They went beyond their original deadline. They were accepting applications until the class was full. So that June 15th date no longer applies.
They had it up on the website by the application information. Now it seems like they've removed it. Have you heard back yet?
Accepted! 🙂
Are you guys having trouble logging into the TCMC online portal? for some reason I keep getting the following message: Authentication Failed. Invalid credentials supplied. Please try again
I was just accepted this morning and had the same trouble with the app check website. So maybe that had something to do with it? All the best to everyone.
Sorry, have been busy at work all day. Guess stats are not needed 🙂 Congrats to everyone!
I applied... My app was sent for review on the 4th. How long does the reply generally take for you guys? I am really hoping I get into this program. Change of scenery would be nice!
Hey everyone,
I applied and Im really interested in the program. For those of you who recently got accepted this past week, are you attending the princeton review course that starts next week? Because of the late acceptance, did they give anyone a choice/ok of joining the course late? (like maybe two weeks after the course has started)
Hey rockafella,
My application was sent for review last week, have you heard anything yet?
They only gave the option of taking the course next summer.
Yeah I got scheduled for an interview tomorrow. Mine was sent for review early in June, so you might have to wait a while. My friend and I are interviewing tomorrow, wish us luck!
Does anybody here have any tips for the interview? I really want to get into this program...
What's the living arrangement situation like in Scranton? Are there any useful websites you guys are using?
See you guys in the fall!
I'm a current MBS student at TCMC finishing up my degree in a few weeks. Let me know if I can answer any of your questions.
do you know how many graduates got into MD programs at other schools and maybe what schools they were accepted to?
Let me see how well my memory serves me
Accepted to TCMC: 9 including myself
Accepted of the waitlist to TCMC: 1 (so far)
Accepted to other allopathic med schools: 1 - ended up at Case Western.
Accepted to other osteopathic med schools: 5 or 6 (some of us were also accepted to TCMC and turned down the DO schools). Schools include NSUCOM, NYCOM, PCOM, LECOM
A little more than half the class applied. A few were rejected pre-interview. what do they look for? sounds like it is helpless from that comment. I find the comments from TCMCMBS to be rather discouraging, but not to far of a stretch from the truth
Let me at add a little more to what dlouis said. I will try to keep this to facts and remove my own personal bias.
Of the people accepted, one of them had to talk to the Dean of Academic Affairs for plagiarizing a homework assignment. No action was taken against this individual for plagiarism. One had a GPA in the MBS program of 3.2, others were threatened to be failed on their CHRP projects for either lack of participation in the project or just a poor project overall. Most of them were not involved in anything around campus and skipped class allot (something which is supposedly frowned upon in the MBS program). One of the accepted students was extremely competitive and would rub it in your face - dlouis should have no trouble explaining this one in detail.
Now here is some food for thought. Of 5 people who received 4.0 GPAs in the program, only one was accepted and all applied to TCMC. (Bias->) This just goes to show you that they don't really value the program. In fact, we were even told on the first day of orientation that the MBS program only exists so that TCMC can exist as a medical school (PA law requires 2+ programs) and to generate extra income for the school.
My opinions below:
Apart from that, the MBS program is really disorganized. I would assume, though, that you would find this much disorganization in any new SMP program. As you will see, the second semester is much more disorganized than the first semester. And just wait for the numerous talks about "professionalism." You will get these talks from faculty and staff when they don't provide any examples themselves. They will try to scare you with these professionalism talks and make it seems as you won't be able to get accepted if you're deemed "unprofessional." Don't worry. Some of the accepted students are extremely unprofessional. My advice (if its not too late) would be to only enroll in an SMP program that can guarantee you spot in their medical program if you achieve a certain GPA. Don't bother with this one unless you have good/decent stats before starting the program. If you are already committed to this program, make sure you suck up to faculty as much as you can (especially Debra Stalk - she loves suck ups!). and don't worry about participating in any school events or attending class (unless you want to), it doesn't matter. Most classes are recorded for you anyways.
Please let me know if there is anything else you would like to know about the program and I will do my best to reply and keep it factual.