The Official 07/30/10 MCAT Club!

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I can't believe it's only been one week. The test seemed like it was months ago.

Grade faster AMCAS!!!


Does anyone know why it takes AAMC a month to grade a computerized multiple choice exam? It seems to me that if the curves are predetermined you should have the non-WS scores back right away or, to avoid testing center freak-outs, the next day.

Does anyone know why it takes AAMC a month to grade a computerized multiple choice exam? It seems to me that if the curves are predetermined you should have the non-WS scores back right away or, to avoid testing center freak-outs, the next day.

Any chance we get the scores before the tentative August 31st release date. I'd love to complete all my secondaries by Labor Day.
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hope it helps :)


I read through the first 3 chapters (out of 14), seems insightful. It's kind of a dull book...feels like one long verbal reasoning passage haha. It's pretty neat though because they have 3 short passages at the end of each chapter where u can practice w/e skill was introduced. It also has some online practice. I'm gonna try to finish reading it by the end of next week and then I'm gonna retake AAMC 7's VR section. I won't take the score too seriously since I've taken that AAMC before, but I totally half-assed that test and got the lowest VR score I've ever gotten on an AAMC. I know I can do better!!

Btw, how's everyone doing? Filling out secondaries?
@TheRach: I was wondering why they don't give us the section scores back at the time of testing as well. Years ago when I took the GRE, I got the Math & Verbal scores, except for the writing score, back immediately. It was nice walking out of the testing center with an idea of where I stood.

I'd love to know where I stood now so I could get my app out to the appropriate institutions. I want to start on 2ndaries, but I feel like I'd be wasting my time if my MCAT would cull me from the applicant pool...

I'm so glad SDN exists. Only those of us in this process understand how utterly rediculous it is. My bf tries, but unless you are a neurotic student (like most MD-hopefuls), you won't get it. Like the person who said they wanted to drive off the bridge after the MCAT - I totally get cha!

~3weeks to go. Someone asked about scores coming out early...My last scores came out before the 5pm note that's on the AAMC site, but that was the scheduled day of release. Don't hold your breath for early scores.
I gotta say reading everyone's fears about their scores makes me exponentially more nervous. :(

My impressions:
PS: not that bad, plenty of time
VR: One passage in particular was extremely tough to understand. The others were all pretty straight forward
WS: I felt like I rocked this, even used quotes with a made up sources for effect
BS: I was definitely tired at this point, I heard there was a lot of OChem lately but all the OChem I had was simple first semester stuff. Everything else was pretty tough.
Who's gonna get drunk before going online and checking the score on Aug 30! I KNOW I AM! there is no way I can do it sober!
No...they still come out on the 31st!

Still another 16 days! Ugh!! Longest 31 days EVER...I can't believe it :(

yeah my bad, I meant Aug 31! what time is it suppose to be released that day? I just wanna time it right so I'm buzzed as hell at the right time.
Who's gonna get drunk before going online and checking the score on Aug 30! I KNOW I AM! there is no way I can do it sober!

I like this idea, but I will probably want to know if I'm drinking away my sorrows or celebrating a win. You never know with the MCAT. Besides, the true drinking moment was after the MCAT and I took full advantage of the occasion already.
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I'll be at work, then in the car for a road an MCAT score buzz will have to be postponed until I reach my destination. Boo!

My May 21 scores came out late morning/lunchtimeish. But the official notation had been 5pm on the AAMC website. I really hope this round comes out early again because I don't want to have to wait until midnight to find out my potential fate.

2 weeks and I think I'm going insane!
I honestly have not thought about this exam since the day I took it. The last time I logged in here was on the 30th lol. It's only because I received a PM from someone here that I was reminded of this.

In any case, I'm not really too anxious right now. I likely won't be applying this year anyway because of an unexpected financial situation, so I have time to retake if necessary (hopefully that WON'T be necessary, but what can you do).

This exam consumed my life for a good 8 or so weeks, and I feel a bit silly for allowing it to do so. When I walked out of the test center and saw that the sky wasn't falling, I remembered that there's more to life than MCAT/AMCAS/etc. :laugh:

Of course, I really want my score, but eh, I'll worry when it comes. August 30th will probably be a tough night.
I am a high school math teacher and the first week of school is Aug 30th. If I get the score I am expecting (which isn't good) then I may be in a pissed off mood the first week of school. That may not be a bad thing, I might scare my students, which I always like to do the first week. Good luck to everybody. Within two weeks now.
I had a nightmare about my score last night! woke up with watery eyes!!! sometimes I wish INCEPTION was real so I could plant the idea that I did great in my head till the score comes out, so I wouldn't have to suffer for 30 days! Well actually if INCEPTION was real, I'd just have it done on the admission board of my top choice and get it over with!
I am a high school math teacher and the first week of school is Aug 30th. If I get the score I am expecting (which isn't good) then I may be in a pissed off mood the first week of school. That may not be a bad thing, I might scare my students, which I always like to do the first week. Good luck to everybody. Within two weeks now.

Oh man I teach high school too, so yeah, I will be a little moody if my scores are not where I want them to be!! But I will be in my fourth week of school, so maybe I should warn my students.:laugh:
Oh man I teach high school too, so yeah, I will be a little moody if my scores are not where I want them to be!! But I will be in my fourth week of school, so maybe I should warn my students.:laugh:

practice good thought people.... imagine yourself acing the exam and being in a great mood for your students!
10 more days of waiting for the scores guys!! I cant wait to find out my score so that I know where I stand
Does anyone else have serious panic attacks just at the thought of receiving your mcat scores? I cant breathe every time I think about and yet I don't think I can take much longer of this waiting. I feel like stuck, I just want to know where I stand among my competition. I am actually waiting to submit a few secondaries so that if I bombed the test I wouldn't have wasted my money, is anyone else doing that?
I haven't even submitted my primary application. I'm too poor, I have NO money to waste! I just want to know already, this month wait is killing me
I haven't even submitted my primary application. I'm too poor, I have NO money to waste! I just want to know already, this month wait is killing me

I'm in the same boat. At this point I don't think 10 days will make a difference so I'll wait until I have the score to submit my primary.
practice good thought people.... imagine yourself acing the exam and being in a great mood for your students!

I totally have been thinking about an AWESOME mood I will have the day after. My students will be like, "What the heck is wrong with you Miss Sweetlife? You seem, um, high or something?". Nope not high, just crazy happy!

Actually, I think when the scores are released I will be sitting in my Master's class. If my scores are great, I will definitely be celebrating quietly until class is over. Then the party will start...
So I re-took the mcat on our test date. When I log in to thx, there is no mention of the new test date, just the old scores. Is this normal? Can someone who is also retaking the mcat confirm that they also see this?
7/30 was a retake date for me as well, and only my old date is on the thx site. That's normal, remember before you had your first score nothing showed up? So when they release it, both scores should show.

9 days and counting.
7/30 was a retake date for me as well, and only my old date is on the thx site. That's normal, remember before you had your first score nothing showed up? So when they release it, both scores should show.

9 days and counting.

woooo hoooo! 9 more days! thx for the reply
This past week I've gradually been justifying adding more and more schools and applying more and more broadly in anticipation of my score...I keep telling myself to just wait until Monday, THEN add schools!

On the plus side, I've been using the 4 lag to finish about 13 secondaries. Except I know I'll get up to 4 more after this score reaches the screening schools like Toledo and Virginia Tech.
Not going to lie, I check the website in the hope that my score will have accidentally uploaded itself before the 31st.
for all those using Mac's: don't you hate how you are blocked into only using firefox or a PC running internet explorer? Honestly AAMC, honestly....
for all those using Mac's: don't you hate how you are blocked into only using firefox or a PC running internet explorer? Honestly AAMC, honestly....

or google chrome with the IE tab extension. Filled out my amcas on it. ;-)
If I just stay busy and active this weekend, it'll be Monday in no time. Then the really waiting and countdown starts.
Why are our scores being released on Tuesday, the 31st? Monday the 30th makes more sense...and it's obviously not like the 30th is on a weekend.

AAMC, if I didn't need you so much to get into medical school, I would have a very sternly worded letter to send you.
Why are our scores being released on Tuesday, the 31st? Monday the 30th makes more sense...and it's obviously not like the 30th is on a weekend.

Because the AAMC Gods like Tuesdays more....or maybe they like having long relaxing weekends while we bite our fingers off.
I am dying of nervousness because of this wait! It feels like the longest month EVER....I hope everything turns out to be easier than we expected...and the PS and VS curve are forgiving :)
So we get our results "30" days I get an email from one of the schools I'm applying to that says they get the score report 6 weeks after the test. That makes me sad too. I was hoping they would be waiting for Aug 31 like I am so they could jump on reviewing my app... I wonder what the extra two weeks is about.

Perhaps I'll try holding my breath for early least if I pass out time will have passed without me knowing it. :sleep:
Wait, schools don't get your score right away? Aren't they immediately sent the score, if you've sent your primary to them already?

Like I need to be complete even later...
That's what I thought too. What I'm referencing is a school I've sent my primary to that emailed me telling me that they have put my app on 'hold' until my most recent MCAT scores and said something about them getting a score report 6 weeks after the test date. I'm hoping they say that just to give them a buffer or something so applicants don't start calling right away. From the email:

"Therefore, your application is being retained in the Office of Student Affairs in a "hold" category pending the receipt of the upcoming MCAT scores as noted in your application. An official report of your scores should be received in this office approximately six weeks after the administration of the test. Your application will be reviewed again at that time, and you will be notified as to the next step to be taken. No further action will be taken on your application until those test results are received."

Yea for waiting!