The Official 4/29/2011 MCAT Club!

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Better Known as TXK
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Oct 21, 2010
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I think It may be too early for this, but curious to know who's writing on this date. Join this thread and let's share knowledge/experience and blow this test out of the water!!

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Just back from it. I think it went okay, but I was mostly surprised by how chem-heavy it seemed to be. It seemed like over half of the physical sciences section was chemistry, and I would estimate that something closer to 40% of the bio section was organic. I had expected closer to 20%. Anyone else have this experience?
Just back from it. I think it went okay, but I was mostly surprised by how chem-heavy it seemed to be. It seemed like over half of the physical sciences section was chemistry, and I would estimate that something closer to 40% of the bio section was organic. I had expected closer to 20%. Anyone else have this experience?

I just finished about forty minutes ago.

After the test, I heard someone who had also taken the test conveying similar sentiments to a friend regarding the proportion of chemistry on the exam.

I took six AAMC practice exams (average composite score - 37.3), and saw ranges of 11-14 on BS/PS and 11-15 on VS, so I was going into this pretty confident, but I was really shaken at how difficult it was. I had previously taken the MCAT and voided it because I had not been able to study because of illness, and that MCAT (with no studying) even seemed easier than this one.

I know it's curved but it still worries me.
Just got back from this bastard. :mad:

This is my first time taking it. I've done all the AAMC practice tests and 5 TBR CBT's. Here are my thoughts:

PS- Blah. Crappy way to start off. I was pretty nervous at first. I thought it was pretty rough. It seemed to be pretty Chem heavy. I had like 3 passages that seemed to be the exact same and felt uneasy about all of them. I felt a little rushed just because I had to re-read the passages to understand what was going on. My average on practice tests ranged from 9-11 for PS, with most at 10. I got an 11 on AAMC 10 and 11, so I thought I knew my stuff. I'd be happy w/ a 9, but I suspect lower. Blah

VR- Going into the test I was most worried about VR. I was ranging 8-10 on practice tests, never above a 10. VR is VR though. I feel like I understand the passages, but you never know. I thought VR was very similar to AAMC 9-11. I don't think the passages were any longer than those to be honest. I felt pretty good about it though.

WS- Eh, not bad. Not my best, but not my worst. I'm fine with average here.

BS- This was my strongest subscore going in. I was usually at 11-12 on practice tests. I actually feel the best about this part. I steamed through the first 2 passages and first freestanding in like 10 minutes. Then got hit with a really tough bio passage. Luckily I think I only had 1 orgo passage, not bad. If you're curious, I found BS to be A LOT like AAMC 11.

For those of you who are interested. (As I was). The test seemed very similar to the AAMC practice tests, especially 10 and 11. Overall, it was fair. I don't think any section was so outlandish that it requires complaining about. I personally didn't feel VR was longer than usual. The trend towards longer PS/BS passages seems apparent. Going to take off a week to study for finals then probably take again in June...
DONE! yes it's over. hopefully for good.

i scored pretty well on aamc practices and felt as if this was just another practice. whoever was espousing the theory that it's more like kaplan difficulty-wise is a liar and should quit trying to freak out people.

overall, same as AAMCs. my test center rocked. i felt way comfortable there and would take it over again.
PS: slightly harder but i'd say overall very similar
VR: slightly easier passages slightly harder questions
BS: overall pretty easy -- maybe deceptively easy??

made 1 or 2 silly mistakes i already know about but i'll leave a very incoherent post in a few hours. ps anyone who took it today: CONGRATS WE'RE DONE.
PS- too chem heavy. Didn't give enough credit to physics. I felt like the physics questions that were asked were in similar areas.
VR- A couple of the passages seemed long to me. Questions were a little tough. Overall it was fair though.
WR- fair.
BS- One passage was absolutely ridiculous. Also very heavy on genetics IMO.

overall, pretty tough.
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PS: Always been my weakest area and this section gave me some trouble. At least it was chem heavy, which is easier than physics for me. Still pretty tough IMO and I'll be very happy with a 10 here.

Verbal: Who the hell knows. I think I did ok, but I wouldnt be surprised with anything from a 12 to an 8 here.

Bio: Easily my strongest area and I honestly thought this section was really straightforward. Only one orgo passage and three or so orgo discretes (and you really didnt need to know anything about mechanisms or reactions to get the questions right, just lab technique and functional group stuff). I'll be surprised if I didnt score really high here, because there were only about three or four questions that I really had to think about and wasnt sure of.

Overall, I could have done better (probably should have spent more than a month studying PS) but it was NOT as bad as I thought it would be and in the end I think I did well enough on Bio to make up for possible lower scores on PS and verbal.
It's finally over! I'll come back tomorrow to give more input but here's what I thought.

PS: very straightforward and felt like a practice test. I can't recall the distribution between chem and physics but I think it was about 50/50. I felt pretty good about this section. Not too many calculations, not too few. I predict a 10.

Vr: was worried most about this section. This is definitely the best I've felt about verbal. The questions were VERY straightforward. Passages were a bit long. I predict an 8.

Bs: without a doubt the most challenging section. Had one orgo passage and two stand alones. That's it! The bio passages were challenging. One in particular was a nightmare trying to understand. I predict a 10.

Overall, this test was More challlenging than any of the practice tests (except for Vr which felt easier), but it was very doable. I was able to get every problem on the test down to two choices. There were no problems that I was totally lost on. Sorry if this post has typos, did it on my phone.
Wow that test was hard. It was very chem-heavy like everyone else said. The thing is, my strong points are chem and I still found them to be very challenging. Blah.
Finally get this out of the way.

Overall I feel rushed, the passages are definitely longer than the practice tests, not necessarily harder tho.

Not a lot of OChem questions, but the ones in there seems really obscure questions than the ones in practice tests.

Hope everybody can get good news on June 1st!
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Finally get this out of the way.

Overall I feel rushed, the passages are definitely longer than the practice tests, not necessarily harder tho.

Not a lot of OChem questions, but the ones in there seems really obscure questions than the ones in practice tests.

Hope everybody can get good news on June 1st!

Agreed, especially biology and verbal. The passages were just flat out longer. Verbal was at least a couple extra sentences every passage. I had to rush through the last passage in three minutes and clicked my last answer with 5 seconds. Very rushed, but verbal is such a crapshoot I dont feel too bad.
so it's true! the real MCAT is really long...

PS - started off horribly, could not understand what was being asked...must've tried to answer a couple questions in 1st 2 passages, but then decided to skip it...overall, had a different feel to it...chem heavy yes
somehow was able to 'finish' everything w/ 15 minutes, few calcs

VS - harder than expected, definitely longer...I've done like 50 practice verbal sections from different sources, none were this long. Hoping for generous curve here. Spent like 12 minutes on 1 passage, thankfully due to triaging, I saved this for last.

BS - very much like AAMC 11, except on steroids. Takes time to figure out, but once get to bottom of it, it is harder because of the facade and not really the content. Finished w/ only 6 minutes to go over answers

Overall, test is much longer than any of the AAMCs, Kaplans, or TBRs, all of which I finished w/ >20 min in PS and BS, and >5 in verbal. Difficulty stemmed from length and extraneous material that needed to be wade through.

Hoping for PS 13 Vr9 BS 13
I came back from it.
Never felt better walking out of the test center. I absolutely destroyed the ****er. :)
38, 36, 39 on practice, hoping for 40.
I agree with the overall thoughts here. One thing that I thought was strange was the fact that it seemed to cover more genchem than usual as well as more o-chem. There was a lot more genetics IMO as well. I felt like I did half of the amount of calculations then I usually do for physics and the bio was pretty much the same. With all of this...I feel that the test was more spread out in terms of subjects covered but much MUCH more narrow in terms of what is covered within each individual subject. I remember thinking after the PS section, "wow, I hardly used anything compared to all of the stuff I knew.

Definitely didn't feel like I owned the test by any means. I felt very rushed on at least one passage from BS as well as PS which didn't allow enough time for me to truly pick it apart like I would of liked. I'm just worried ab the physics because one passage was very off the wall for me and the VR is always...." Oh, choice B seems to be looking pretty good, let's do that this time"

......Apply this year and wait for I retake it??? What now is all I'm asking myself
Interesting day, I'll add my thoughts to the list.

PS - Soooo chem heavy, though chem is my strongest subject I found it a little challenging. The physics was very friendly though, and nothing too out of the ordinary. I didn't think there were too many surprises here, it seemed a lot like practice tests. I'm guessing anywhere from 11-13 here

VR - I didn't find the passages as long as everyone else did. Some of them were really straightforward with very simple questions but there were 2 passages in particular I struggled with. Overall also very much like practice tests. I'm hoping for 10-11 (11 please!!!) here.

WS - it's WS, no one cares and it's always a joke

BS - This could not have gone better for me. There were certain questions where I literally thought the examiners would either joking, or had some hidden trick I didn't know about (One stand-alone question in particular comes to mind, I won't say anything too detailed but it was one of the first questions in its set and I cracked up when I saw it) I'm hoping for a 12-13 here.

Overall not too bad, but I'm never a good predictor of how I do on exams so it could really go in any direction if BS wasn't as straightforward as I thought it was.
The general feeling among people who have taken it is that it was considerably harder than any of the AAMC practice tests, and had long passages. We hope this is reflected in the curve.

From what I have been reading on SDN so far, it seems MOST people found the test to be pretty straightforward.
I definitely felt like I got kicked in the face leaving the test. I don't know why, but I didn't get that familiar "aha" feeling I was used to getting on practice tests. I crumbled on VR, felt sick to my stomach after that section.

PS: Not necessary harder than normal, just felt different. I feel I did pretty well on this section, but didn't have as much faith in my choices as usual. As said before, really chem heavy. Also, I wasn't able to use the passages to my advantage as I had gotten used to. Could have been worse, but then again, could have been a lot better,

VR: Blaah. I worked so hard to boost my VR score. Was finally getting 11-12 as my standard and went in ready to take it down. I felt like the questions were really against what I was used to. On practice tests I was usually able to scan the passage quickly to see what the question was getting at, but on the MCAT I felt like I was shooting too much in the dark and I hate it. It was a real struggle to not freak out, and I pretty much guessed on an entire passage towards the end. I'd do anything to take VR again.

BS: IMO the easiest of the 3. I was pretty confident of most my answers except for a few that I couldn't figure out 100%. Felt like it was a pretty good mix of material, and the organic wasn't THAT hard (although not easy). I was able to read the graphs/data pretty well in the passages and feel confident that I missed the least here.

I walked out feeling like hell. Still feel pretty miserable, but trying not to get too down on myself yet. It sucks to work this hard and not perform as you wanted to on the test you get.

But I've felt a lot better with the mindset that it's just a test. I don't care who you are or how you did, if you are competent enough to even take the MCAT and get this far in your education, you will do well in life regardless of what score you get. That goes for everyone here.
The general feeling among people who have taken it is that it was considerably harder than any of the AAMC practice tests, and had long passages. We hope this is reflected in the curve.

I want those who haven't taken it to know that it's NOT 1000000x harder than AAMC practice tests. Each of us has subjects that we're stronger/weaker in than others. I think what you should focus on is doing the most you can to improve what you are weak in. That alone will improve your score. If you are really good with endocrinology, but can't grasp electrolysis, I'd suggest spending more time on the latter.

*I do hope the curve was generous though :laugh::laugh:
well, it's always tricky comparing different people's opinions on a given test. If someone were used to getting 30ish, I can totally understand how this test would seem pretty 'straightforward', meaning they expect to be completely clueless about some passages and do as well as they usually do.

then there are those who have been averaging very high on practice tests. we know how many wrong we got to get the scores we got. given the same curve, we probably would not do as hot on the real deal. so 'difficulty' means that there were more questions we were not comfortable with than usual.

overall, I agree much of the questions were not conceptually difficult. but they required more time to dig out (were passage based). besides the difficult questions, the other ones were very straightforward. I agree.

for VR, I feel that I did about my average for maybe 6 / 7 passages, but there was 1 passage that I just could not understand. I ended up just taking each question choice 1 by 1 by going back to the passage.

also, there were multiple tests given out today, for sure, so that could vary the situation somewhat.
I averaged 12-13 in PS and I thought the PS on this MCAT was brutal. I ended up guessing on a few, I just had no idea.
Ahhh... I can't stop recalling random problems from the test and wanting to check my books to see if I got it right. I've already identified 3 problems I missed for sure. There goes my perfect score!
Started off sloppy in the PS section... it seemed like some questions where I would have expected them to provide the formula for me, they didn't. Also it seemed like 30% of the questions were about the same two topics, although maybe it was that I actually spent 30% of my time on them because I didn't know them that well. :) I was rushed to finish this section.

VR... who knows with VR. I was rushed to finish this too.

BS, I feel like I dominated. Hopefully this section will buoy my score.
It's so interesting how some people are saying the PS was rough and BS was easier, when I felt the complete opposite. My PS was very consistent with what I had studied, almost too consistent. Some questions seemed unMCAT like in how straightforward they were. BS seemed to require a great deal of logic and more critical thinking, and the correct answer didn't stand out nearly as much ad I felt it did in PS. One passage comes to mind that was very tough for me and reminded me of a tough passage in the BS of AAMC 11. It wasn't hard because I had a lapse in knowledge, the actual content of the passage was quite confusing and some of the questions were too.

Etorphine, I believe we share the same opinion on the difficulty of the sections, granted you were scoring 8 points higher than me on practice tests hahaha. But ya, bio was clearly the more difficult portion of the exam, at least the exam I took.
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All in all I felt ok after the test. It seemed very much like the practice AAMCs, although the VR passages were much longer and harder to finish in the allotted time. I also thought that PS and BS each had one really hard passage which I wasn't used to. My biggest regret of the test was that I didn't start out faster and as a result I almost ran out of time and had to skim the last passage and guess on the last questions. I agree that PS seemed chem heavy and I know I gave up on a couple of problems because I didn't have time to set up the calculations. I did kind of enjoy the "break" of the writing section. I certainly wrote a lot more than I ever did, not that it matters much I guess.

I hope the curve reflects my feelings and I score over 30 and don't have to take it again. Speaking of, I was trying to see about reserving a spot in the July test, but the website doesn't give me the option to do anything but look at the 4/29 test details. Do I have to wait a few days until I can register again?
I hope the curve reflects my feelings and I score over 30 and don't have to take it again. Speaking of, I was trying to see about reserving a spot in the July test, but the website doesn't give me the option to do anything but look at the 4/29 test details. Do I have to wait a few days until I can register again?

I checked the same thing this morning after taking it yesterday :eek:, you have to wait 2 days after taking it to schedule another date.
Well first off... the test is OVER with... for now.

Im so shocked, almost everyone who was pushing 30+ in practice tests before the actual MCAT has crumbled in hope! C'mon guys, practice tests are pretty indicative of how you'll do. So really if you were already in the 30s, you're mostly like +/-2 on the actual exam.... WHERE'S YOUR CONFIDENCE PEOPLE? YOU ALL PROBABLY DID GREAT!

What really makes me nervous is that I was not really doing too awesome on the FLs, but I went into the test feeling like I was ready to show it whose boss, and I kept that attitude throughout. And I'm keeping that attitude until my actual scores say otherwise.

Here are my thoughts:
PS- Not bad, but different... Very chem heavy as previously stated.
VR- Ehh two passages confused the heck out of me... like why are AAMC people so evil?
WS- Straightforward... I used this section to prepare my brain for the BS since I had the time.
BS- THIS WAS THE KILLER... I kept my composure when I felt unconfident, but this was the section that was particularly tough. These questions didn't seem really content heavy, but more so, de-puzzling the jargoned passage for answers, anyone felt like that?

IDK. Either way its over for the next month... time to lie in wait for our fate.
Ok, I can deal with 2 days to shell out more money and play the score waiting game. I forgot to mention that someone said something about discretes in the BS asking about content that wasn't in the review books...I totally agree. At the time I just thought that I didn't study something. Odd. And as to getting +/- 2 points... it's a legitimate worry if your average is 30/31. - 2 means take it again.
Hey everyone, congrats for taking the MCAT!

I felt it was trickier and harder than any practice tests that I've taken so far. I have already identified at least 5 questions that I got wrong in PS and around 4 that I got wrong in BS. Do you guys think that I can still get a decent score (11 or so) in these sections? Should I schedule another test right away or should I wait to get my score back in June and decide then what to do?

Thanks in advance! :)
For those who used Berkeley review for PS and BS, do you think those books where close to the exam? Berkeley Bio passages can be long ... thanks
Hey everyone, congrats for taking the MCAT!

I felt it was trickier and harder than any practice tests that I've taken so far. I have already identified at least 5 questions that I got wrong in PS and around 4 that I got wrong in BS. Do you guys think that I can still get a decent score (11 or so) in these sections? Should I schedule another test right away or should I wait to get my score back in June and decide then what to do?

Thanks in advance! :)

Depending on the specific scoring for a given MCAT, you can typically miss 14-16 PS questions and still get a 10. Bio is usually 10-12.

In other words, you certainly could have done well
Hey everyone, congrats for taking the MCAT!

I felt it was trickier and harder than any practice tests that I've taken so far. I have already identified at least 5 questions that I got wrong in PS and around 4 that I got wrong in BS. Do you guys think that I can still get a decent score (11 or so) in these sections? Should I schedule another test right away or should I wait to get my score back in June and decide then what to do?

Thanks in advance! :)

General scales would put 43/52 as an 11 in PS/BS and 33/40 an 11 in VR. If you only missed 5 and 4 on those sections you would do very well (13 or so). I'd def. wait since you can still miss additional questions beyond the 4 or 5 you mentioned and get a good score.

I took on 4/16 and thought the bio was really tough. I'd got as high as 14 on bio in prep, but the real bio was depressing. In any case, most people don't walk out of the test feeling refreshed. I'm sure you did fine :thumbup:
Depending on the specific scoring for a given MCAT, you can typically miss 14-16 PS questions and still get a 10. Bio is usually 10-12.

In other words, you certainly could have done well

Sometimes it could be even more lenient curve, i missed 15 questions on AAMC 11 BS, and still manage to get a 10.

Praying for similar curves if not better :xf:
I'm really at a loss for words after yesterday's exam. I'd like to think I'm not a complete ****** but today I'm certainly questioning my mental capabilities! I graduated last year from a UC with a little over a 3.8 in BME and 3.9+ science GPA, and was scoring 36-38 on Kaplan & AAMC practice tests for the MCAT, but I honestly feel like I got dominated yesterday. I think I'll age 10 years the next month stressing about my score on yesterday's MCAT! I don't know how lenient the AAMC curve can be on a "hard" version of the MCAT such as this one, but I'm honestly depressed thinking about how low I may have actually scored. Is anyone else feeling like this?

I'm trying to plan for the worst and don't know whether to wait and see how I did before I sign up for a 2nd round with the MCAT...

I could not believe how much longer the majority of the passages were than ANY passage on the countless practice tests I took, nor could I believe some of the questions they asked which I may as well have flipped a coin for. The only section I actually think I did well on was the writing! I feel like my 3-4 months of MCAT studying were absolutely worthless and I may as well have taken this damn test in January with no preparation whatsoever. I just don't know how it's even remotely an accurate gauge of one's science/cognitive abilities by administering such a bull**** exam as the one I experienced yesterday. Or maybe I do in fact have mental deficits and am not fit to be a godly MD...
I thought the BS was harder than it was on the practice tests, and I usually do the best in this section so I'm going crazy wondering how it affected my score.
As for TBR passages, yes, the long passages for the sciences would be similar to the real MCAT. Not all of them are at the same level though. Some are way harder, some are easier.
I'm really at a loss for words after yesterday's exam. I'd like to think I'm not a complete ****** but today I'm certainly questioning my mental capabilities! I graduated last year from a UC with a little over a 3.8 in BME and 3.9+ science GPA, and was scoring 36-38 on Kaplan & AAMC practice tests for the MCAT, but I honestly feel like I got dominated yesterday. I think I'll age 10 years the next month stressing about my score on yesterday's MCAT! I don't know how lenient the AAMC curve can be on a "hard" version of the MCAT such as this one, but I'm honestly depressed thinking about how low I may have actually scored. Is anyone else feeling like this?

I'm trying to plan for the worst and don't know whether to wait and see how I did before I sign up for a 2nd round with the MCAT...

I could not believe how much longer the majority of the passages were than ANY passage on the countless practice tests I took, nor could I believe some of the questions they asked which I may as well have flipped a coin for. The only section I actually think I did well on was the writing! I feel like my 3-4 months of MCAT studying were absolutely worthless and I may as well have taken this damn test in January with no preparation whatsoever. I just don't know how it's even remotely an accurate gauge of one's science/cognitive abilities by administering such a bull**** exam as the one I experienced yesterday. Or maybe I do in fact have mental deficits and am not fit to be a godly MD...

Most people walk out of the test site thinking they bombed the test. Its very common. Just real life example, my roommate took the jan mcat and told me he was at the verge of voiding the test. he averages around 33-34 on aamc and guess what he got a 35 on the real test. so i am sure you did define!

but which prep material was the real test most similar too? :)
I'm really at a loss for words after yesterday's exam. I'd like to think I'm not a complete ****** but today I'm certainly questioning my mental capabilities! I graduated last year from a UC with a little over a 3.8 in BME and 3.9+ science GPA, and was scoring 36-38 on Kaplan & AAMC practice tests for the MCAT, but I honestly feel like I got dominated yesterday. I think I'll age 10 years the next month stressing about my score on yesterday's MCAT! I don't know how lenient the AAMC curve can be on a "hard" version of the MCAT such as this one, but I'm honestly depressed thinking about how low I may have actually scored. Is anyone else feeling like this?

I'm trying to plan for the worst and don't know whether to wait and see how I did before I sign up for a 2nd round with the MCAT...

I could not believe how much longer the majority of the passages were than ANY passage on the countless practice tests I took, nor could I believe some of the questions they asked which I may as well have flipped a coin for. The only section I actually think I did well on was the writing! I feel like my 3-4 months of MCAT studying were absolutely worthless and I may as well have taken this damn test in January with no preparation whatsoever. I just don't know how it's even remotely an accurate gauge of one's science/cognitive abilities by administering such a bull**** exam as the one I experienced yesterday. Or maybe I do in fact have mental deficits and am not fit to be a godly MD...

Hardly anybody feels "good" after taking the MCAT, because so many questions are ambiguous and don't have an obvious answer. Even questions where you KNOW what the answer should be can be hard because of the wording.

In the end, no matter how hard you studied, a great score is a combination of knowledge, endurance and luck. The difference between a 28 and a 30 or a 35 and a 37 is often not how hard you worked but how lucky you got on the many questions that you managed to narrow to two choices and then gave your best guess. My practice scores varied between 30 and 36, and I felt no different after any of them. Before checking my grade I felt like I got less than a 30 and got dominated. Like I said in an earlier post, I think I did pretty well on the Bio portion yesterday and the PS section got me good, which means I probably got a 10 on Bio and a 12 on physics. It's just the way it works.

Moral of the story: Don't sweat it. You might get your score back and absolutely owned it. If you didnt, the worst that happens is you take it again. Relax, and enjoy life for the next four weeks.
Thanks for the input!

What you guys are saying makes me feel better, although it is so hard not to stress out about it. On the other hand, I'm pretty sure I missed more questions of which I am not aware right now. Anyway, I'm praying for a good curve. I hope everyone gets the score they want.

Good luck for waiting 1 month!
As others have said, I'd be willing to bet the curve will be pretty decent for this test. It was obviously very long and wordy, the science questions on the whole were more ambiguous than usual and overall it was clearly more difficult than the AAMC tests. Based on feedback I've read from other exams given this year, this was one of the harder ones. Lucky us I guess :rolleyes: