Test Date: 11/7/14
Time: 8:00 am
FL AAMC Average: 34.5
AAMC 10-11 Avg.: 37 (36 and 38)
Post-test expected score: 34
Actual Score (PS/VR/BS): 39 (12/13/14)
Seriously was not expecting this score. This is my second time taking the test (first one was on 5/22/2014 where I scored a 31 [PS 11/VR 8/BS 12]). Solid score, but I knew I could do better in verbal since I was an English major, lol. I used sn2ed's schedule the first time but this time around I made sure to hone in on my weak areas. And I cannot stress enough the importance of taking practice tests outside of the AAMC full lengths!!! I completed the 7 TBR FLs which helped me immensely. TPRH Science workbook and TBR workbook passages really helped in nailing down the concepts as well. Also read newspaper/journal articles and a few books just to get used to processing blocks of text quickly.
But I think what changed the most was my mindset going into the exam. I was sooo nervous and stressed for the first one and kept thinking that my whole future depended on this one test. It really doesn't. I basically went in this time with a DGAF attitude and treated it more like a fun mental challenge rather than something to be afraid of. So for those retaking the exam, just relax! The MCAT in the grand scheme of things is just one small aspect of your life. Good luck!