I agree with the OP. Worked at Target and now in a hospital as a clinicial staff pharmacist. Target was all about getting the pt to apply for their credit cards.
Being in a hospital is much better, but overall pharmacy is a lame job.
I have done retail, emergency medicine, internal med rounding, OR pharmacy, and ICU pharmacy which led me to do a lot of things a normal pharmacist wouldn't get to do. I participated in codes, mixing IV drugs on the spot while programming pumps for trauma patients. I also do a lot of education for pts before discharge and go on rounds with the MDs.
I just feel that a pharmacist is not really needed. A good robotic program like SIRI + lexicomp can very easily replace a pharmacist.
When a physician asks you what is the half life of _____ or are drug A and B compatible...most will look it up..so what's the point of a pharmacist? Someone who look things up for nurses/MDs who are too lazy to look it up themselves? Do we really know anything more than lexicomp or a MD who has been in their respective field, prescribing the same 20 drugs all their lives?
It's a profession in which you are a jack of all trades, but master of none. You really bring nothing new to the table vs someone else who also read the same study/article you just read.
The profession is obsolete in the computer age..cash in now and do something else later.