Things You Don't Know and Are Afraid to Ask

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So i saw a post on reddit about things people don't know out on rotations, or even intern year, that they feel like they should, but are afraid to ask about. I figured I'd bring the love over here and see if you all are willing to share as well. Maybe we'll all learn something.

To start, I had absolutely zero clue what a Heparin Lock was for the longest time, as well as a triple-lumen catheter, until starting surgery this month.

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All the time and then i sneak onto my phone onto the trusty google
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Don’t be afraid to ask anything. Just ask. Being curious and wanting to learn is a good quality.
Almost done with intern year. Stream of conciousness things that I have googled this week alone:

1. Basically any acronym consults write in their notes: TGA CAA MRI with EOVIST PLEX
2. Bipap, cpap, vent settings
3. What are we using now for sepsis--SIRS? SOFA? QSOFA?
4. Does urosepsis exist
5. I still sometimes google check the brand names of antibiotics. Unasyn unasyn unasyn.
6. Is metoprolol SA the short acting or long acting?
7. Am I supposed to be ordering the wound dressings after wound recs? I wouldnt know the difference between Alleyn or foam dressings if they hit me
8. If you ask me to look for JVD, I will tilt the bed back and press on their liver and point vaguely above the clavicle and say "I see some fullness" but unless it's at someone's mandible--beats me
9. "How to pronounce a patient dead"
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Almost done with intern year. Stream of conciousness things that I have googled this week alone:

1. Basically any acronym consults write in their notes: TGA CAA MRI with EOVIST PLEX
2. Bipap, cpap, vent settings
3. What are we using now for sepsis--SIRS? SOFA? QSOFA?
4. Does urosepsis exist
5. I still sometimes google check the brand names of antibiotics. Unasyn unasyn unasyn.
6. Is metoprolol SA the short acting or long acting?
7. Am I supposed to be ordering the wound dressings after wound recs? I wouldnt know the difference between Alleyn or foam dressings if they hit me
8. If you ask me to look for JVD, I will tilt the bed back and press on their liver and point vaguely above the clavicle and say "I see some fullness" but unless it's at someone's mandible--beats me
9. "How to pronounce a patient dead"
That has to be one my favorites. Urosepsis may exist in reality, but as far as insurance/DRG's are concerned there is only UTI's and Sepsis, which are both present, but unrelated. At least that is the deal at my site.
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Things You Don't Know And Are Afraid To Ask