Third Year Apps

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10+ Year Member
May 19, 2010
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Starting third year really soon and I've been looking into buying a nexus 7 or ipad mini to carry around with me. First, is anyone able to recommend one or the other? Also, are there any apps that you have found useful during 3rd year rotations?


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I've got a Nexus 7 and love it. One of my friends as the iPad mini and loves that. I'm used to using Android products so that's why I went with the Nexus. I don't think you'll see a huge difference one way or the other, but you're more likely to have support for Apple products (at least for the time-being).

Can't help with any apps as I'm also getting ready to start MS3.
Thanks man. I've been reading the step 1 thread for a while now and have seen a lot of your posts. Congrats on being done with it and good luck with third year.

I've got a Galaxy S3 right now and love the android OS so I'm leaning toward the Nexus 7, but sometimes apple has better app support. Maybe someone has recent experience with ipads being better for integrating into hospital systems? If not...I'll probably just ride with the nexus.
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I'm not a MS-3 and can only speak to the medication side of things. I would recommend Medscape, Micromedex, and Epocrates as your staple for mobile apps (free). Of the three drug resources I've listed, Micromedex is probably the most detailed regarding a specific drug, complete with counseling points. QuickLabs is useful if you want to look up reference ranges but not necessary since the labs will usually come with standard ranges. Qx calculator is useful for calculations such as risk scores... etc.

medscape app is my fav, followed by wikipedia. meddcape gives you a whole lot about specific drugs as well as a wealth of information on just about every clinical entity you'll need to know about. If you have access to it, uptodate is great for general info as well. You'll want to read up all your patients conditions and these are great for that.

honestly I haven't really found the need for many other apps during third year though. You'll want to download a good game to kill time with. Also, there are pdfs of texts and stuff you can throw on your iPad to keep in your coat and study for your shelf a couple minutes during the day, so one of those might be good if you can afford it
medscape app is my fav, followed by wikipedia. meddcape gives you a whole lot about specific drugs as well as a wealth of information on just about every clinical entity you'll need to know about. If you have access to it, uptodate is great for general info as well. You'll want to read up all your patients conditions and these are great for that.

honestly I haven't really found the need for many other apps during third year though. You'll want to download a good game to kill time with. Also, there are pdfs of texts and stuff you can throw on your iPad to keep in your coat and study for your shelf a couple minutes during the day, so one of those might be good if you can afford it

On the fly dosing if you don't have access to a computer... which you almost always will.