This girl in my Chemistry lab today...

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10+ Year Member
Sep 15, 2013
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was wearing this shirt. I s*** you not.

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Jebus, people, I admittedly wore these kinds of shirts on occasion in undergrad. They're cheesy little tees put out by pre-med clubs. Give her a break.
Yeah, but imagine if you hadn't been accepted. Then you probably wouldn't be admitting anything.
Yeah, but imagine if you hadn't been accepted. Then you probably wouldn't be admitting anything.
But I did get accepted, and, for all anyone knows, so could this girl. There's no need to make an entire new thread about this to bash her.
Not sure what the problem is. My whole lab group of ~15 is pre-med, who cares if someone wants to wear something to show it.
Join us.
LOL IDK, bro. Peer pressure converted me. 😉
Edit: Were you in the military?
Lol, I think not, peer pressure has never had an effect on me. No, I have not been in the military, although I've considered it. I guess I could be a military physician.
Lol, I think not, peer pressure has never had an effect on me. No, I have not been in the military, although I've considered it. I guess I could be a military physician.
Dude, I was joking about the "peer pressure" part.
Don't worry, if she pursues graduate school, she can add "Doctor....of Philosophy"
Anyone can be a premed. It requires nothing
I think some people at my school honestly believe there is some sort of entrance exam required to be considered premed. That's the only way to explain them acting so impressed when someone calls themselves premed.
I think some people at my school honestly believe there is some sort of entrance exam required to be considered premed. That's the only way to explain them acting so impressed when someone calls themselves premed.
Being a premed is just a state of mind, nothing else. Some people don't understand that for some reason.
I figured you were. If I ever find a picture of a real penguin in a real tank I'll use it as my avatar.
I couldn't find a real penguin in a tank... but I thought this was pretty badass.

The penguins have bled into this thread! Go us!!

In response to the OP's post.. I would never wear that. Not that would bash her for it, but I'm always doubting of my ability to make it into med school and that level of confidence is almost laughable when it comes to such a competitive field.

Go penguins!