Thoughts on Independent IR rank list

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2+ Year Member
May 18, 2020
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Current rank order list for the independent IR match, and at the top of my list are:

1. Jeff
2. Columbia
3. MCW
4. Stanford
5. Georgetown
7. U. of Washington

My priorities are getting strong training but also being in a big city and close to family (east coast). Wondering what the pros and cons are of these programs. Thanks.

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MCW pros strong volume and diversity but they work you hard. I’ve heard Stanford has a relatively low procedural volume. The rest are pretty good.

Kind of hard to advise on how to adjust rank list as so much of this is dependent on your preferences. It looks fine to me!
It may be late to ask, and not sure if you changed it by then but why Jeff number 1, especially compared to the likes of MCW and U. of Washington?
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