time for Texas licensure after passing NAPLEX?

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Jul 9, 2008
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I was wondering how long the turn around has been once the NAPLEX and MPJE have been passed for Texas to grant a license. I know what it says on the TSBP website but I want to know what it has been "real life". Thanks :luck:

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One of my friends took both the NAPLEX and MPJE on June 11 and his licensure showed up on the State Board's website today (June 22). They said they only download scores from NABP on Fridays, and they only update the site on Friday as well.
I took the NAPLEX on June 11 and the MPJE on June 18, and I became license on the TSBP website today (June 22). Also, I received my scores on June 13 and June 15 respectively. The turnaround on the exam scores seems pretty consistent (2 business days), but I'm not sure about the licensing schedule. I thought maybe it was also a 2 day turnaround, but if gg1120's friend took the last exam more than a week ago, then maybe it's on a batch schedule instead.

I was wondering how long the turn around has been once the NAPLEX and MPJE have been passed for Texas to grant a license. I know what it says on the TSBP website but I want to know what it has been "real life". Thanks :luck:

Took 4 days for me (2 days after passing MPJE). All told from start of application process to ATT was about 7 weeks, then another 3 weeks until I actually took MPJE. Decent turnaround time if you ask me.