Timeline for COMLEX 2 + STEP 2

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Jan 13, 2015
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Clueless DO M3, end the year at exactly the end of May. Have no idea how fourth year works (not really but you get my point). I just got invited to a bachelor party June 4-7. How does this interfere with my step 2, comlex 2 timeline and studying. How long should I even study for these? Should I skip out on this party? Any advice appreciated.

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Clueless DO M3, end the year at exactly the end of May. Have no idea how fourth year works (not really but you get my point). I just got invited to a bachelor party June 4-7. How does this interfere with my step 2, comlex 2 timeline and studying. How long should I even study for these? Should I skip out on this party? Any advice appreciated.
1), you can take these whenever you want once you pass step 1 (at least that's what I've heard...I scheduled mine for end of third year)
2) Most dates I looked for were either fully booked or past your window. So I'd check into availability first. I'm going to 3 different testing centers just to make sure I'm getting things taken care of when I want to
3) I've heard study for a couple months but nowhere near as hard as step 1. Theoretically rotation and shelf exams should be 'studying'
4) Probably gonna need to skip out on that party unless you can find dates at the end of May
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