TMDSAS August Application

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Feb 22, 2017
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Hey guys.. looking for some good insight on my upcoming application.

I plan to apply towards the mid-end of August (yes, I know this is 'late'). I currently am at UTD and have a 3.51GPA and have not taken MCAT yet. I plan to do a summer MCAT course and take my MCAT as soon as the course ends. Once the grades come back I was going to submit my app.

1. I have heard that if I am planning to wait this late that it is beneficial to send my application in with everything except the MCAT so that it can be verified in the meantime. Agree/disagree?

2. What MCAT score should I be ballpark-ing when I do take the test? Would it be best to take the MCAT once before my MCAT class and once after my MCAT class just so that I have an MCAT grade and could submit much earlier?

3. Beyond TMDSAS schools, can you recommend any other schools I should apply to that are perhaps out of state? (I am going to apply DO as well, but I am aiming for in-state MD)

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Hey guys.. looking for some good insight on my upcoming application.

I plan to apply towards the mid-end of August (yes, I know this is 'late'). I currently am at UTD and have a 3.51GPA and have not taken MCAT yet. I plan to do a summer MCAT course and take my MCAT as soon as the course ends. Once the grades come back I was going to submit my app.

1. I have heard that if I am planning to wait this late that it is beneficial to send my application in with everything except the MCAT so that it can be verified in the meantime. Agree/disagree?

2. What MCAT score should I be ballpark-ing when I do take the test? Would it be best to take the MCAT once before my MCAT class and once after my MCAT class just so that I have an MCAT grade and could submit much earlier?

3. Beyond TMDSAS schools, can you recommend any other schools I should apply to that are perhaps out of state? (I am going to apply DO as well, but I am aiming for in-state MD)
Just wait a year. You are going to get your score a month after taking it. Your GPA is not high enough to be complete that late and expect a good outcome. Take the MCAT and apply next cycle
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Just wait a year. You are going to get your score a month after taking it. Your GPA is not high enough to be complete that late and expect a good outcome. Take the MCAT and apply next cycle

Additionally, I wouldn't recommend wasting your money on sending out applications only to find out that you didn't score as high as you were wanting/expecting on the MCAT. At this point it seems that you might be rushed to submit your application, but I'd recommend just focusing on one thing at a time... MCAT then writing personal statement, etc. it gets hectic and your studying/MCAT score may suffer as a result.
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Additionally, I wouldn't recommend wasting your money on sending out applications only to find out that you didn't score as high as you were wanting/expecting on the MCAT. At this point it seems that you might be rushed to submit your application, but I'd recommend just focusing on one thing at a time... MCAT then writing personal statement, etc. it gets hectic and your studying/MCAT score may suffer as a result.

I currently have everything ready to submit it tomorrow if the app had already opened. MCAT is the only aspect I have yet to complete. As it is arguably one of the most important too. With this, I was wondering more so what the odds of acceptance are considering a 3.5GPA at UTD, 510 MCAT range, and lots of volunteer hours + full time work for entire college time.
I currently have everything ready to submit it tomorrow if the app had already opened. MCAT is the only aspect I have yet to complete. As it is arguably one of the most important too. With this, I was wondering more so what the odds of acceptance are considering a 3.5GPA at UTD, 510 MCAT range, and lots of volunteer hours + full time work for entire college time.

Medical schools in Texas tend to prefer high GPA cores (you can look at the MSAR for average GPA of matriculants) so yours is low in comparison. As for the MCAT range - that's about average, so I'd say that you might get a few interviews, less likely from the higher tier schools like McGovern, Southwestern, and Baylor.

I also emphasize not rushing the MCAT since the idea is that you hope for the best but plan for the worst - since it might be the case where you don't score as high as you can the first time. Nonetheless, if you're insistent on applying this cycle and you do well on your MCAT, I'd say you'll get a couple interviews.
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If your EC's are good and you score high on the MCAT you might have a shot at a few interviews. If you score subpar you'll be wasting a lot of money. Take this advice from a Texas resident..

ALSO, are you taking the MCAT in July or August? Either way it takes a month to get your score, submit your score then it could take up to a month (a month more than likely) for TMDSAS to forward your application to schools. So depending on your time line, you'll have to wait ~2 months for medical schools to actually receive your application AFTER the MCAT is taken. It's a gamble, you do not want to waste a cycle. Good luck to you.
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If your EC's are good and you score high on the MCAT you might have a shot at a few interviews. If you score subpar you'll be wasting a lot of money. Take this advice from a Texas resident..

ALSO, are you taking the MCAT in July or August? Either way it takes a month to get your score, submit your score then it could take up to a month (a month more than likely) for TMDSAS to forward your application to schools. So depending on your time line, you'll have to wait ~2 months for medical schools to actually receive your application AFTER the MCAT is taken. It's a gamble, you do not want to waste a cycle. Good luck to you.

Thanks for the reply. I was planning to take it late July or early august. My prep course for it will end on the 22nd of July. I have heard one strategy for applications is to submit everything else ahead of time so that the application gets verified and then as soon as the MCAT score comes in (September) then it will take less time to process. Any experience / advice on that?
Just wait a year. You are going to get your score a month after taking it. Your GPA is not high enough to be complete that late and expect a good outcome. Take the MCAT and apply next cycle
Agree with this. I think that submitting an application in late August is harmful to any TMSDAS application. As much as it may disappoint you to wait another year to apply, it will only help you get in. You should not submit your application without knowing what your MCAT score is. I will PM you
Thanks for the reply. I was planning to take it late July or early august. My prep course for it will end on the 22nd of July. I have heard one strategy for applications is to submit everything else ahead of time so that the application gets verified and then as soon as the MCAT score comes in (September) then it will take less time to process. Any experience / advice on that?
I took mine June 18th took a while to be complete even though the MCAT was the only thing left to process most applications are being completed around that time so it does take some time. Also, you have to remember that there have been so many applications that have to be reviewed other than yours so it's too risky to become a reapplicant over impatience. And a gap year can be productive and can add things to your application as well.