TMDSAS Late application

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Feb 2, 2017
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In order to get a committee letter from my school they need your MCAT scores to write this letter. I am not scheduled to take my MCAT until June 29 and results won't be posted until August 1st. That would put my application being complete around the middle of August after receiving my letter from my schools committee. Then with application verification that could take up to 6 weeks! That puts me very close to the deadline which is Sept. 29th. I was wondering if it's recommended to submit my incomplete application (lacking letter packet and MCAT score) to a school that i'm not interested in so my application can be verified and by the time I obtain the additional things I need to complete my application I could select the desired schools and send the complete verified application. Has anyone done this? Would you recommend it?

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Defintely, definitely, definitely submit prior to getting your scores so your app is transmitted by the time your mcat score comes August. 1st.

You should be applying to all schools on TMDSAS as it's one flat fee regardless of how many schools you add (there's 10).

AMCAS is a different story.
In order to get a committee letter from my school they need your MCAT scores to write this letter. I am not scheduled to take my MCAT until June 29 and results won't be posted until August 1st. That would put my application being complete around the middle of August after receiving my letter from my schools committee. Then with application verification that could take up to 6 weeks! That puts me very close to the deadline which is Sept. 29th. I was wondering if it's recommended to submit my incomplete application (lacking letter packet and MCAT score) to a school that i'm not interested in so my application can be verified and by the time I obtain the additional things I need to complete my application I could select the desired schools and send the complete verified application. Has anyone done this? Would you recommend it?
How strong is the rest of your application?

If you're consistently scoring 512+ on practice tests you could submit that late and be okay, albeit, if the rest of you app is strong (3.8+ GPA and good EC's). If you're somewhere below 3.7 GPA wise or if your MCAT is <507 I wouldn't submit your application this year.

A late app can be a death sentence in Texas. The dean of UTHSCSA has said that for apps submitted in May, 1/4 of them get an II, but as the cycle goes onwards the fraction that gets an II also decreases.

I would wait a year to apply and build up a rock solid application in the meantime.
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Defintely, definitely, definitely submit prior to getting your scores so your app is transmitted by the time your mcat score comes August. 1st.

You should be applying to all schools on TMDSAS as it's one flat fee regardless of how many schools you add (there's 10).

AMCAS is a different story.

I'll also be missing the committee packet which is the major letter of recommendation for my application. So, therefore the schools consider my application incomplete and won't bother looking until that is submitted correct?
Also once you submit your application for verification is there an option to go back and submit to more schools?
I'll also be missing the committee packet which is the major letter of recommendation for my application. So, therefore the schools consider my application incomplete and won't bother looking until that is submitted correct?
Also once you submit your application for verification is there an option to go back and submit to more schools?
Yes you are correct. But the longer you wait to submit the less chance you have of getting interviews, especially if you're an average or below average applicant.

I know of no one who submitted to Just one school on TMDSAS and added more later. It's $160 for all 10 schools I believe.