TMDSAS OOS Applicant

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5+ Year Member
Aug 26, 2018
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Hey everyone. I applied to a lower amount of schools this cycle and if I could do it over again, I would. However, I can’t so here is my situation.

I applied to all Texas schools except Tech (as my primary reason for applying to anywhere was location to family). I’m addition, I added Baylor, Mayo AZ, and Utah to AMCAS. Please, don’t reiterate that I should have applied to other schools as I know already.
I have already interviewed at Utah, got a “on hold status” email from Mayo AZ, and am yet to hear anything from any Texas schools (haven’t even gotten a secondary from Dell). cGPA 3.7, sGPA 3.5, MCAT 520:132/127/130/131. Overall my extracurriculars are solid.

I would be happy to have anyone review my application who is interested. I am worried that I’ve been passed over by the Texas schools. I realize that I was ignorant when I applied as I only applied places where I have familial support (I have a wife and daughter so this was very important to me). Thoughts?

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Great MCAT score!
Were your cGPA and sGPA the same for TMDSAS?
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You need to MOVE to Texas now so that when you reapply next year (sorry -- hope I'm wrong), you'll be in state. Your numbers sound more than good enough, but your application strategy this year was deeply flawed.
They both jumped up about .05 but not enough to really make a difference.

That could be it. For OOS Texas really likes high stats. Your GPAs are by no means low, but they aren't of the same caliber as your MCAT. I agree with DokterMom that establishing residency in Texas could be a great bet if this cycle doesn't turn out well and you really want to matriculate there.
That could be it. For OOS Texas really likes high stats. Your GPAs are by no means low, but they aren't of the same caliber as your MCAT. I agree with DokterMom that establishing residency in Texas could be a great bet if this cycle doesn't turn out well and you really want to matriculate there.
I actually moved to Texas at the same time I was applying but because I hadn’t been here for a year, I didn’t get residency this year. Great input guys, I really appreciate it. I have thought about retaking classes to boost my GPA. I had a C in Genchem 1 my first semester, a C and B in Ochem 1 and 2. Those are really what is killing my GPA. As stated I scored a 132 on the CP section so I hoped those would be overlooked but obviously it raises questions.
Doing post bacc would raise my GPA so minimally that it wouldn’t be worth it and the retakes wouldn’t be about GOA, but rather the issue of the C’s. Thoughts?