To take or not to take....that is the question.

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from premed to med!
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Sep 6, 2002
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So now we're well into March. The April exam is already past the corner and it is creeping up fast. Aaarrgghh :mad: will I ever feel prepared?

So now I am kind of chickening out and in the back of my head, I am really planning to take it in Aug (goodbye summer plans). I figure it's losing $85 because I registered already, but better than embarassing myself forever on paper.

So my question is, how do you know if you're ready to take the real one? What kind of scores are you getting on the practice exams that tell you you're ready? (I am currently scoring in the 24-27 range) Will I ever feel ready?

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I can relate to the dilemma you're facing. I asked myself the same question last year for the April 2002 MCAT. I decided to take it in August, a decision that I regret now.

First of all, what do you mean by feeling "ready" for this test? As long as you have put in every effort possible in your preparation, you should be as ready as you'll ever be for the MCAT. Now, I'm
not sure which practice exams you are taking or how you're scoring your results. However, I took the Kaplan course last year and my scores on the practice tests did not reflect my actual score. I attribute this to convincing myself that I was "ready" judging by the numbers and not by my test-taking attitude. I don't even score my exams anymore. Now, your practice exam scores might give you a ballpark figure of your actual score. However, on the real thing, I believe that confidence will place you on the higher end of your exam score capabilities.

Have you taken as many practice exams as possible? Do you feel you really have put in all the effort you are capable of putting forth in preparing? If so, take the exam in April. Enjoy your summer. The August MCAT should only be used as a re-take (if your April score really turns out to be less than desirable) or for those with extenuating circumstances.

Good luck!!
I agree with Doctor1. This is how I see it:
The MCAT is 1/3 actually knowing stuff and 2/3 being able to interpret information that is given to you. If you are studying and taking practice exams for a good time now, then how much will an extra three months of studying help you? There is only SO much that you can do. You don't want to relax and chill too much, but you also don't want to overkill. You need to be just at the right balance to take the MCAT seriously regardless of whether you have been getting good scores or not. In my opinion, if you reigstered for the April MCAT this means that you have been studying for a while. And prolonging this studying until August is overkill.
Moreover, and August MCAT means that your AMSA will be on "hold" until your scores are released. If you wait until August, will your scores improve THAT much that it will actually benefit you, even if your application goes in later? Think about that. I am already so sick of doing MCAT stuff that I KNOW that taking it in August will give me the same score than if I took it in April. I'd rather have my score in May, and get a 33 than take it in August and maybe get a 34...
Just my $0.02.
If you have the slightest doubt about taking the April MCAT, you should take the August MCAT. Contrary to popular belief, the August MCAT will not hurt your chances of getting into med school. The key is that if you take the August MCAT, you should send out your AMCAS application as soon as it is available (I think that is in June). And get your LORs prepared and ready to send off. That way, the only thing the med schools are waiting for is your MCAT score. Also send in your secondaries as soon as you receive them. Most secondaries are similar in terms of essay content and some may vary. So if you follow this line of reasoning, you will receive interviews by December/January (the latest) and you will be ahead of the game. I hope this information helps. Good luck. I've been through this already and I know the do's and dont's.:)
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a potential problem in sending the app in june and taking the mcat in august is if you mess up on the august mcat. money spent on the app could go to waste.. unless schools feel that your essay and other qualities are so strong that they are able to look past the mcat then its all good
Thanks everyone for your advice. I am not applying until June 2004 (my senior year) so I am not worried about the Aug MCAT affecting my app. I'm taking it now though because I finished physics last year and ochem a quarter ago, so I want to take it as soon as possible before I forget more than I already have. The thing is that with classes and everything, I've been studying about 5-8 hours a week total, and that is definitely not what I had planned. I know there's only a month left and I am know I haven't reached my full potential. Now I'm thinking to just wait and take it later and study during the summer. Thanks for all of your input!