Too little clinical experience?

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10+ Year Member
Feb 21, 2010
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Thanks in advance if anyone can help me out. I'm a Texas resident with some good numbers (3.88 gpa, 35P MCAT) but my clinical experience is on the low side (90 hours at a hospital over 3 semesters and only 25 hours shadowing). In my defense, I'm an engineering student and there just hasn't been a lot of time left over to do very much.

So here's my question: will this be a hindrance while applying?

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It is low, but I will venture on saying it won't be a problem in comparison the people that cram it all last minute. I think you'll have no problem securing an acceptance, but try to get more hours and shadow some more just in case.
Thanks in advance if anyone can help me out. I'm a Texas resident with some good numbers (3.88 gpa, 35P MCAT) but my clinical experience is on the low side (90 hours at a hospital over 3 semesters and only 25 hours shadowing). In my defense, I'm an engineering student and there just hasn't been a lot of time left over to do very much.

So here's my question: will this be a hindrance while applying?

Keep volunteering if you can and send update letters.

You have great stats!
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I think you have a very solid chance if you can explain in your PS how the clinical experience you were involved in shaped your desire to become a physician. I wouldn't say anything about engineering taking up a lot of your time, it might come off as defensive. Talk up your clinical experience. Keep on getting some and send an update letter if you feel it would be meaningful. Good luck!
Thanks everyone for the replies! I'm volunteering a lot at a hospital and a pregnancy center this summer so I can have something to update the schools on. Good luck to you guys that are also applying this cycle!