Torn between KCUCOM and MSUCOM

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May 8, 2020
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Hello. I was accepted into MSUCOM in April but I found out today 5.8.20 that I moved up on the waitlist at KCUCOM and now have an offer. From what I understand you can only hold 1 acceptance until may 15th and then must make a choice. I am from jersey so both schools are out of state for me, so out of state tuition for MSUCOM. For the first time ever MSUCOM lowered its OOS tuition to 65k from 85k so that has been a tremendous help. However it appears that KCUCOM Is still cheaper at 45k. I initially wanted to go to KCUCOM because I felt it was more diverse , and that Kansas City was more urban than Lansing. I went to grad school at U of M and had a terrible racist experience there. So I worry that other roads of Michigan will be Just as racist. I don’t know much about Kansas City but I have heard it is a melting pot. I am from a city in Jersey just 30 mins outside of NYC so I’m use to the big city life and diversity. I like that Michigan is closer to jersey so I’m only an 8 hour drive from my family vs 24 hour drive from Missouri. But I like that MSUCOM has more of an international medicine focus. One of my biggest deal breakers is how soon MSUCOM starts. June 15th! Vs end of July for KCUCOM. I’m worried that I’m not ready to start so soon. Also MSUCOM is going virtual for the first 2 months due to COVID and I feel my education quality will suffer without hands on experience. How in the world do I learn med school solely online. No cadavers for AP?! Seems like a big negative. There are pros and cons to both but I honestly am torn! I’m a first gen student , no doctors in my family, heck barely even high school graduates. So this is all very scary and new for me. From what I understand both schools are great. But now that I’ve had over a month thinking I only had Michigan as an option, It’s hard for me to make the choice to go with what I thought was my only choice or go with KCU (my original choice) now that I’m finally accepted. One last thing. I got to see Michigan and interview at MSUCOM in person. I did not have this advantage for KCU. I was only able to have a virtual interview. What should I do? Please help

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When you went to U of M, did you feel the distance was a huge hinderance? How much do you value visiting family? A 24 hour drive would not likely be done in one trip and when you have breaks, they're not long ones. This question takes a lot of self-awareness and you have to consider what you want short-term as well as long-term. I would honestly have the conversation with loved ones and those whose opinions you value more. Dont make your decision solely off the advice from SDN (including mine). You mention MSUCOM having more of an international focus, why does that appeal to you? Where do you eventually want to practice medicine and how would either school help/hinder you? Could KCU give you the same thing? You're right, they're both great programs. Make a pros and cons list. Dont look at length of the lists but what parts of the list you value the most. Be introspective and think of what environments lead you to the most success and why. Think of the environments that oppose that success. I hope this helps and good luck!
One thing I will mention is that KCU has a Global Health track if you are interested in global medicine. Also, most likely you would not want to drive home, but rather fly home and KCI has a lot of options for flights.

I do not know anything about MSUCOM so I will not try to sway you either way, but maybe giving you this information might change things for you. As already mentioned, you know yourself best. And you should go with your gut instinct.

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It would also be helpful to post questions about location/program on each school's individual forum and see if anyone can speak to your concerns directly. Perhaps previous students had similar concerns and can provide insight.
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I am accepted to KCU, have a buddy that’s a 3rd year now at MSUCOM. He’s always told me great things about MSUCOM. Both schools are great schools and have established connections, solid curriculums etc.. But that 20k a year for the same degree can’t be brushed aside.
When you went to U of M, did you feel the distance was a huge hinderance? How much do you value visiting family? A 24 hour drive would not likely be done in one trip and when you have breaks, they're not long ones. This question takes a lot of self-awareness and you have to consider what you want short-term as well as long-term. I would honestly have the conversation with loved ones and those whose opinions you value more. Dont make your decision solely off the advice from SDN (including mine). You mention MSUCOM having more of an international focus, why does that appeal to you? Where do you eventually want to practice medicine and how would either school help/hinder you? Could KCU give you the same thing? You're right, they're both great programs. Make a pros and cons list. Dont look at length of the lists but what parts of the list you value the most. Be introspective and think of what environments lead you to the most success and why. Think of the environments that oppose that success. I hope this helps and good luck!
Thanks so much! Really thought provoking questions for sure !
I would say KCU for the following reasons:
-far higher board scores compared to MSU
-founding DO school
-Larger network
-better matches historically
-new simulation building at the KC campus that opens this July
-has global health tracks, similar to MSU
-KC is way more urban than Lansing. Although I would say neither are a melting pot, but KC has more diversity and things to do
-Food scene in KC is phenomenal
-KC has clerkships across the nation with many to choose from. MSUCOM is more local (mainly MI)

Now if you are interested in research then I’d say MSUCOM because it’s a part of MSU. KCU has almost no research.

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Also after four years you are in debt of an additional 80k from MSUCOM. That is a LOT I can’t justify that much debt for MSUCOM

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I would say KCU for the following reasons:
-far higher board scores compared to MSU
-founding DO school
-Larger network
-better matches historically
-new simulation building at the KC campus that opens this July
-has global health tracks, similar to MSU
-KC is way more urban than Lansing. Although I would say neither are a melting pot, but KC has more diversity and things to do
-Food scene in KC is phenomenal
-KC has clerkships across the nation with many to choose from. MSUCOM is more local (mainly MI)

Now if you are interested in research then I’d say MSUCOM because it’s a part of MSU. KCU has almost no research.

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thanks so much ! You make really good points! That extra 80 k is scary for sure and honestly I’m really not iching for research. So it’s not a deal breaker for me at all. Also I’ve heard that at KCU If you really want research opportunists its not impossible, you just have to be a go getter. And not to sound conceided but I think if I wanted it I could find a way. I think I’m leaning more towards Kansas honestly. Also I’ve been to Michigan before so it could be a cool opportunity to see another state
You can hold multiple acceptances past May 15th. You get 2 weeks to decide after that. May 15th is when the schools you are accepted at can see your other acceptances.
Hi guys, I want to thank you all so much for you support! All of this mess school stuff is super new to me an every bit of information has helped. I’ve decided to go with KCU! I feel they there are more pros for me than cons. The only con being that the school is in a bit of a sketch area of the city, but honestly growing up outside nyc wasn’t a picnic either. Street smarts are street smarts no matter the city and I’ll just have to be smart and use common sense lol. Thank you all so much again.

One last question ( it may be a silly one so please some flame me). I was wondering if anyone knows if I might have trouble unenrolling from Michigan now that I’ve already accepted the offer. I did receive my financial aid package and I accepted the loans already BUT THE LOANS WILL NOT HR OFFICIALLY DISPERSED UNTIL 6.5.20. With that said, I should be alright to unenroll from MSUCOM since classes haven started yet correct? I just hope that now that I’m finally excited about the school I’m going too, I don’t get stuck at MSUCOM because I’ve already accepted the loan package and confirmed my attendance. Does anyone have any insight into that ? Thanks so much again
Hi guys, I want to thank you all so much for you support! All of this mess school stuff is super new to me an every bit of information has helped. I’ve decided to go with KCU! I feel they there are more pros for me than cons. The only con being that the school is in a bit of a sketch area of the city, but honestly growing up outside nyc wasn’t a picnic either. Street smarts are street smarts no matter the city and I’ll just have to be smart and use common sense lol. Thank you all so much again.

One last question ( it may be a silly one so please some flame me). I was wondering if anyone knows if I might have trouble unenrolling from Michigan now that I’ve already accepted the offer. I did receive my financial aid package and I accepted the loans already BUT THE LOANS WILL NOT HR OFFICIALLY DISPERSED UNTIL 6.5.20. With that said, I should be alright to unenroll from MSUCOM since classes haven started yet correct? I just hope that now that I’m finally excited about the school I’m going too, I don’t get stuck at MSUCOM because I’ve already accepted the loan package and confirmed my attendance. Does anyone have any insight into that ? Thanks so much again

I would go to KCU web page and email the school, tell them your situation and they will provide you with the best guidance. See you soon at KCU!
Hi guys, I want to thank you all so much for you support! All of this mess school stuff is super new to me an every bit of information has helped. I’ve decided to go with KCU! I feel they there are more pros for me than cons. The only con being that the school is in a bit of a sketch area of the city, but honestly growing up outside nyc wasn’t a picnic either. Street smarts are street smarts no matter the city and I’ll just have to be smart and use common sense lol. Thank you all so much again.

One last question ( it may be a silly one so please some flame me). I was wondering if anyone knows if I might have trouble unenrolling from Michigan now that I’ve already accepted the offer. I did receive my financial aid package and I accepted the loans already BUT THE LOANS WILL NOT HR OFFICIALLY DISPERSED UNTIL 6.5.20. With that said, I should be alright to unenroll from MSUCOM since classes haven started yet correct? I just hope that now that I’m finally excited about the school I’m going too, I don’t get stuck at MSUCOM because I’ve already accepted the loan package and confirmed my attendance. Does anyone have any insight into that ? Thanks so much again

Yes you can easily unenroll and enroll into KCUCOM. Many people do that each year and medical schools understand that. I would first accept KCUCOM and then unenroll MSUCOM.

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