TPR Science-work book

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May 12, 2008
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So I am doing the Science Work book from TPR and for most passages in all subjects I seem to be getting 4/8 or 5/7..I miss like a couple here and there...what type of indicator is this? Reflective? I also review the answer's pretty well to make sure to understand why I got it wrong....

Does anyone have a comment on this?
Also some passages are hit or miss...I nail some of them and then there are some where I miss drastically.

Let me know your experiences with this book...

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So I am doing the Science Work book from TPR and for most passages in all subjects I seem to be getting 4/8 or 5/7..I miss like a couple here and there...what type of indicator is this? Reflective? I also review the answer's pretty well to make sure to understand why I got it wrong....

Does anyone have a comment on this?
Also some passages are hit or miss...I nail some of them and then there are some where I miss drastically.

Let me know your experiences with this book...

Those passages are hard! I felt the same way. But they are awesome practice in understanding concepts. But the real thing isn't as hard (or mine wasn't at least)
Agree with above. The passages in this book are pretty hard. But I think they are great practice. If it wasn't for the Science workbook, I know I would have gotten lower scores on my science sections on the real test.
I know your performance might be discouraging, but trust me, it's great practice. Make sure you try to finish the book, I almost did.
Don't want to hijack your thread, but can anyone give a comparison between the TPR MCAT Workout (commercially available) and the TPR MCAT Science Workbook (available only with course)? Looks like the workbook is superior, but is there overlapping material?
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Hey OP,
I'm getting around the same as you like 4/7 on each passage. I just look at what I got wrong and hopefully don't make the same mistake again. So don't feel bad
Those passages are hard! I felt the same way. But they are awesome practice in understanding concepts. But the real thing isn't as hard (or mine wasn't at least)

Wow, saw our mcat stats....thats impressive! I hope I have your ability :)

Yah, they do seem pretty hard at times but I will keep at it and finish. I am more than half way done with the workbook (it's huge)!

I wish there were ways to see improvements on verbal like the science sections, any suggestions?
Wow, saw our mcat stats....thats impressive! I hope I have your ability :)

Yah, they do seem pretty hard at times but I will keep at it and finish. I am more than half way done with the workbook (it's huge)!

I wish there were ways to see improvements on verbal like the science sections, any suggestions?

Thanks! I'm impressed by your determination to do all the workbook. I ran out of time (I put off the BS ones because I really dislike that section). As far as VR, I can't really help you there. I didn't study at all besides doing practice. Reading comprehension is off and on for me.

When are you taking the MCAT??
I plan on taking them May 28th (two months from now)
I get done with TPR next week and from then on, simply Workbook and Diag Test. I feel like I learn 10x better when I read the textbooks that TPR gave me vs. lecture so the large gap between test date and end of class will be well spent!