Trans physicians/students/applicants

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2+ Year Member
Mar 24, 2020
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Hey all, I'm pretty new to the forums. Just curious if there are any other transgender pre-meds, medical students, or physicians out there who would be willing to connect?

Hope everyone is hanging in there.

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I’m not transgender but I saw this post as I was scrolling.

Are you on Twitter? If not, then that’s a good place to connect to transgender people in medicine.
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I'm nonbinary/genderfluid and starting medical school in about 2 weeks!
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There's a private FB group for trans premeds/med students/residents that's fairly active. PM me if you're interested and I can send you the info :)
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It's a pretty small percentage (I'm cis, but also queer), and not a lot of activity on this forum typically, but #gaymedtwitter is usually a good place to find people, in addition to the FB group mentioned, as other folks mentioned.
It's a pretty small percentage (I'm cis, but also queer), and not a lot of activity on this forum typically, but #gaymedtwitter is usually a good place to find people, in addition to the FB group mentioned, as other folks mentioned.

change the d to an r and take it off Twitter and I’m in.
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Twitter. #gaymedtwitter #transmedtwitter #transnbtwitter I'm on there ;)
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I'm a trans woman in medical school and would love to connect!
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Im a trans woman, Physician Assistant and applying to med school next year. I've applied once before and was rejected became an EMT then went on to PA school. I would love to connect.
I'm transmasc and currently applying MD/PhD. Echoing the above that Twitter is a good place to connect with people!
I'd be really interested in connecting with folks here! I'm just now starting my premed journey as someone who's been in tech academia, but working as a scribe for some outstanding residents has really pained me in being closeted and re-closeted FtM for so long, for really strongly seeing them as role models to aspire to become if I just let myself. I have really been wanting to find out through my scribing manager or talking to one of them whether there is an appropriate way I can be candid about this kind of thing with those physicians -- not for hope of any kind of special shadowing or time/attention demand for their mentorship, but just for some kind of understanding and for maybe being redirected to suitable mentorship. Because scribing for them is really paining me in my mental health for not being able to say to anyone "this is the man I hope to be in ten years and it's incredibly important to have them around inspiring me this way and showing me what's possible not just for my career, but for my life" and I don't really know what to do from here when it's so great and important for me to have as an opportunity, not just medically but personally in having gained this scribing exposure with these people, while also hurting so much in this way.
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