Transcript Entry

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Jun 3, 2017
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Hi, so I entered all of my courses exactly as they appeared on my transcripts. I had my transcripts sent to the ADEA AADSAS as soon as the application opened June 1st. I have since taken a course and completed it. I was wondering if I should resubmit my transcript from that school? I changed the status of the class to completed so now I'm afraid in won't allow me to resubmit the transcript for it during the academic update period.

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If the transcript was sent through credentials or prudent (electronically) I would suggest to re-send it if not I would still send it but change the grades of your classes after AADSAS has verify them. I'm saying this because it might take longer than expected for them to verify your grades and GPA if they have to wait for your new transcript. After they verify your grades you can always change them. Usually AADSAS would be updating your application again after November 15th.

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